3 | Family meet

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A/n pov :

Jungkook and his family are going to y/n's house to fix y/n's and jungkook's marriage

On the other hand
In Y/n's house
Mrs kang is busy in making variety of food items with the help of maids
Yuna and areum are helping y/n to get dressed
Mr Kang is busy in some arrangements

Soon jeon family reached at y/n's house

As soon as they reached Mr Kang saw them and called Mrs Kang , both of them greeted jungkook and his family

Mr jeon : umm where is my daughter -in-law

Mrs Kang : she is getting ready, wait I'll go and call her

All of them nodded their head, Mrs Kang went to call y/n

Y/n pov:

Ughhh I'm feeling soo nervous

Yuna : someone is eagerly waiting to meet their future husband *teasing*

Aereum : unnie just wait for some mins, then you can see bro-in-law *smirk*

Y/n : stop teasing me you idiots, I'm already feeling nervous like hell

Soon door opened revealing my eomma
me and aereum and yuna stood
Eomma came to me and spoke

Mrs Kang : sweetie let's go they are all waiting for you *smile*

I nodded my head and followed my mom, Yuna aereum followed us

After reaching downstairs I greeted them

Y/n : Anneyonghaseyo

I said and bowed towards them, they smiled at me , i went to my dad and sat beside him and all of them started talking, I hung my head down and sat like a statue bcozzz I felt so nervous and then his mom said something which caught my attention

Mrs Jeon : okey then marriage will be in next month

I wided my eyes, wthh just 1 freaking month?????

Mrs Kang : so let's eat lunch

All of them nodded their head and went to the dining area and sat, I sat infront of jungkook, he is just staring at me, i looked at him and i got lost in his eyes, we're lost in eachother eyes soon someone cleard their throat and spoke

Aereum : Ahemm done staring *teasing*

Y/n : s-shut up

Yuna, aereum smirked , jungkook secretly laughed, after a while i felt more nervous bcozz of his stares, soon we all finished our food and got up and washed our hands, after washing i dragged aereum with me to my room, she spoke

Aereum : what happened unnie *confused*

Y/n : can you stay with me, I'm feeling nervous

Aereum : ohwwwww okeyyy *smirk*

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