19 | Plan?

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Day before jungkook's birthday

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Day before jungkook's birthday

Yn pov :

Here I'm heading to Jin oppa's office! Tomorrow is jungkook's birthday, I'm so excited to give him suprise!! So i decided to discuss about the plan! With oppas, I already informed jungkook about meeting them and he somehow agreed, he didn't want me to go alone but I somehow convinced him! Soon I reached at his office! I have already visited, Jin oppa, Suga oppa, hobi oppa, joonie oppa, jimin and tae companies! Their companies are huge!! They really work so hard and they maintain their companies in such a good manner , I was totally amazed to see boss side of them when I visited for the first time but they're completely different with family!

I knocked on Jin oppa's cabin and I entered inside after hearing ''come in'' from him. I saw Jin oppa is sitting on his chair while working on his laptop, remaining members sat on the couch, joonie oppa is reading some book, yoongi oppa is sleeping, hobi oppa, jimin and tae using their phone, probably waiting for me! they smiled at me as soon as they felt my presence, I did the same and sat beside joonie oppa.

Jimin : yn you wake him up from sleep!!

Yn : You are right next to him right , you wake him up

Taehyung : he will get angry if we disturb his sleep

Hobi : he will not scold you that's why you wake him up*chuckle*

I hesitately nodded and went near him, jimin moved aside to give some space for me to sit, I sat between suga oppa and jimin.

Yn : oppaa?

I called him while shooking his hand slowly, he opened his eyes and sat properly

Suga : hey yn! *smile* When did you come?

Yn : just now oppa *slightly smile*

He smiled and nodded

"We told you right that he'll wake up if you wake him up" jimin whispered

I sighed in relief, thank god he didn't got angry. Jin oppa ordered some snacks for us, so i decided to talk about the plan.

Yn : umm Do you all remember about the plan?

Hobi : yeahh!!

Yn : say it once

Jimin : nobody should wish jungkook

Namjoon : we have to pretend like we forgot about his birthday!

Suga : we have to keep jungkook busy with some office works!

Yn : yess!! Tae it's your responsibility to keep jungkook busy

He nodded.

Hobi : me and namjoon, Suga hyung and jimin will decorate the mansion *smile*

Yn : that's good!! Umm jin oppa will you help me in preparing food?

Jin : ofcourse!!! *wide smile*

Yn : okay then, me, Hana , Jin oppa will prepare the food!!! *Wide smile*

We talked about the plan for a while. After 2 hours I decided to leave as it's time for jungkook to return home.

Yn : ok then i will go now *smile*

I said and got ready to go.

Taehyung : wait yn! I'll drop you

Yn : it's ok tae, I will go with driver

Taehyung : *smirk* I sent the driver back

Yn : Waeee?

Taehyung : because I wanna drop my cupcake!! *boxy smile*

Yn : aishhh!! Let's go then

Jimin : wait!! I'll also come with you both

Taehyung : nooo!

Jimin : I'm not asking your permission! I'm saying!!

Tae rolled his eyes at him.

Yn : tae let him come na!

Taehyung : fine!!

I smiled at him.

Yn : will meet you tomorrow oppas *smile* don't forgot come there on time!

Jin : don't worry yniee we will there on time *smile widely*

I nodded

Suga : ok hyung I will also take my leave.

Namjoon : me 2

Hobi : me 3

Jin : ok ok take care guys! Drive safe

We all nodded and bid our good byes.

Author pov :

In car

Taehyung was driving, yn sat on the passenger seat, jimin is sitting back on the middle seat , he is leaning front and talking with them.

Taehyung : umm yn can you give me yuna's number.

Yn : why? I mean can I know the reason?

Jimin : you know what ynie he loves Yuna

Yn : whattt???

Taehyung : JIMINSHII!!! How many times I have to tell you it's not love i-its just crush

Yn : crush??

Taehyung : *sigh* yess yn I have a crush on her

Yn : omg!! Tae you know what even she has crush on you

Taehyung : whattt??

Jimin : since when?

Yn : since the day she saw you

Jimin : love at first sight huh! *smirk+teasing*

Taehyung : yn don't tell Yuna that I have crush on her , just give me her number I'll manage

Jimin : seems like you have a plan!?

He smirked

Jimin : aishh stop smirking just tell us your plan *annoyed*

He rolled his eyes

Yn : yess tae tell na

Taehyung : ok ok! So...

He told them about the plan.

Yn : great!! *amazed*

Jimin : for the first time you made a good plan *lil amazed*

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

To be continued.....

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