11 | Wedding

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Time skip On wedding day

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Time skip
On wedding day

Author pov :

Y/n was getting ready
Arerum and Yuna were helping her

Y/n was feeling nervous , happy , sad , excited with all mixed emotions

Suddenly Y/n's phone rang Yuna checked the caller id and it was Hana

Yuna : y/n unnie Hana unnie is calling I think she called you to talk to you

Y/n :-I don't want to talk with her

Yuna :- but-

Y/n :- *death glare*

Yuna understand that y/n was angry with Hana and she excused herself and she went out of the room

After awhile Mr & Mrs kang entered the room, they became emotional after seeing y/n, they went towards her

Mrs Kang :- Awee my daughter is looking so gorgeous

She said and pecked y/n's forehead

Mr Kang : my princess I will miss you

Yn got emotional after hearing their words

Y/n :- I will miss you both so much

She said and hugged her parents. After awhile Mr Kang broked the hug and spoke

Mr Kang : don't cry my princess, your makeup will ruin by your tears

Aereum : yeah uncle is right, if your makeup will ruin you will look ugly *laugh*

Y/n : daddddd see na *whining*

They'll chuckled at her.

Mrs Kang : ok ok enough! Let's go they are waiting for you

Y/n nodded and went outside.

You forwarded a message
y/n held her dad's hand and then the door opened , she saw Jungkook there all are dressed up looking like a prince charming , he looks like a king...

Meanwhile Jungkook saw the doors opening and y/n was coming with her dad... he was totally stunned by her beauty , he saw a beautiful fairy coming towards him...the more she stepped towards him, the more he was falling for her...

he was watching her coming towards him, waiting for her like a gentleman

she came in front of him and Mr Kang gave her hand to Jungkook

Mr Kang : I'm giving my princess to you.. and I know you'll take care of her like a Queen *smiled*

Jungkook : I will take care of her till my last breath. She is my first priority now. *Smiled*

Mr Kang smiled and went from there. Jungkook looked at her and spoke

Jungkook : you're looking like an angel my love *smiled*

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