Alternate Ending/Alternate Epilogue

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Alright everyone - Teen Titans: The Beauty of the Dark has officially ended with the Epilogue, however, I wanted to add an alternate ending for those of you who are interested. 

WARNING - Please pay very close attention to the dialogue/scenes in this alternate ending. The minor detail changes will help you further understand this alternate ending. Enjoy!

(Sparrow's POV)

"How do I stop him!? How do I break the spell!?" Robin asked urgently. Brushogun's body was sinking into the ink.

"Without me and the corruption of the dark magic, he is nothing. You must remove me and use her magic to bring peace."

Sparrow, we-

I know, Robin. I know what needs to be done.

I was about to stick my arms in to reach for Brushogun when Serena suddenly appeared next to three of us, grabbing a hold of me, "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!?"

"NO!!!!" As she shoved me into the ink, I grabbed a hold of her and burned her wrists, pulling her in with me.


The clock was ticking. Brushogun's in here. Serena and I are stuck in here, too. If I don't hurry up, we're all dead meat!

I felt like I was swimming in a thick mud as I fought against Serena. Words were unnecessary now. My lungs felt like they were on fire as I tried to take a proper breath.

Another stab wound hit me, this time, against my chest. The pain of it caused me to intake a breath full of ink. I could feel myself losing control of my body as I grew more and more faint each second I fought in here. Dying here isn't an option.

Memories of my past downfalls spread in my mind.

When I ran away from my so called 'parents'.

Dying, and clawing my way out of my coffin as a vampire.

Killing people, shutting off my humanity, and dying again.

Returning to the land of the living as a witch.

It was Serena the whole time. She made entertainment out of my life for her own benefit. I can't. I can't let her go on with it. Not with me, and certainly not with other people. I've tried to run from my problems, but all that did was give me bigger ones to fight against. Bigger, unnecessary problems that I shouldn't have had to deal with.

My hand tore through the ink with fire, to tear into Serena's chest, but she beat me to the punch.

The impact of the knife against my heart was a different one – I thought I'd feel pain. I thought I'd feel my chest explode as I died. I never felt that. Instead, I felt the knife hit a force in me, one that reflected a bright, ferocious light against my eyelids. My body felt embraced by a force of light.

Brushogun meant no harm. He needs to go in peace. He was an artist who wanted his work to become vivid and lively. That's all he wanted – Brushogun is innocent and deserves to go in peace.

Slowly, but surely, I came to realize that everything was going to be okay. Brushogun would go in peace – I've made sure of it. But there's one last thing that needs to be done.

I felt everything around me fall apart as the light embracing me exploded.

(Robin's POV)

"You saved me..." Brushogun whispered up at me. His eyes closed and a small smile subtly stretched the corners of his mouth. He's at peace, finally.

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