chapter 1: the Fire of the Dragon and the Might of the Forger

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It's the conquest of aegon targaryen and his two sisters-wife visenya targaryen and rhaenys targaryen along with their half-brother orys baratheon during their failed visit to the storm king aegon warn multiple lords and the storm king himself soon the war for conquest began and the path of two kings will soon cross together

Meanwhile three merchants a tall man with armor, a fat man with sharp teeth and sharp nails with glasses attach to the eyes, the woman had sharp teeth and sharp nails and a scope for an eye

Meanwhile three merchants a tall man with armor, a fat man with sharp teeth and sharp nails with glasses attach to the eyes, the woman had sharp teeth and sharp nails and a scope for an eye

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(Just think of them in a wagon)

Female merchant: hey fatfuck are we there yet im tired from sitting here

Fat merchant: fuck off one eye slut be glad the master ask you to come along if not you'll be working deep in the bowls of the pleasure pits

The tall man kept his eyes on the road while the woman next to him turn around to look at the fatman

Female merchant: o really since were telling each other the crimes we did that got us were we are can thank our master the forge king so tell me are you going to skin any innocent children while you rape one and eat the other one he custard

Custard: you whore really what about you fucking men in groups only for you to drug them an later feed them to your slave he kilar

Kilar: at least i kill those bastard that were planning to rebel against the king

Custard: and i eliminate their heir

The tall armor man: custard your here because you kill every "prisoners" that visit your home and their kids so the way i see it kilar over her deserve parole once we get back you'll be throwback in the cell you were

Custard: o yeah then what's your crime why are you here with us

Kilar: yeah speaking about you now whats your crime i thought the master was kin on sparing you guys from punishment

Tolek: the names tolek and no we received punishment differently

Custard: so what is your punishment

Tolek: to get you to the stormlands to trade the food for gold even do the forge lands don't need gold since we have multiple gold mines but is out our king good courtesy were doing it

Both of them nod and continued there journey

Meanwhile in the stormland

Orys baratheon and his army where now at the front gets of storms end with argella durrandon sitting on a chair naked cover by orys cloak while he sat infront of her across the table speaking to her of what's going to happen to her the deal was for her to marry orys retain her lands and become the lady of storm's end, she of course accepted

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