Chapter 16

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After hours of waiting, Mei's final class was over and she grabbed her bags before leaving. She left her classroom and stepped out on the hallway pushing people aside
"Sorry! Excuse me!" Mei said as she walked past them. Himeko jumped as she noticed Mei walking by and followed her
"Mei! Hey!" Himeko said as she went after Mei
"Sorry but I can't wait any longer..." Mei said as she rushed her way out
"C-can't you at least slow down!?" Himeko asked. Once she got to the entrance, Mei stopped catching a glimpse of the blonde girl
"Yuzu!" Mei called out to her. Yuzu's eyes widened and turned to look at Mei
"M-mei?" Yuzu asked and Mei reached out grabbing her hand
"Aren't we going?" Mei asked
"U-uhm well yes but...ahem! A-anyways I'm sorry but as you can see I'm quite busy" Yuzu said speaking with the other woman
"Oh I understand. Maybe we can go out next time?" The woman asked
"Sure. I'll text you when I'm free" Yuzu said
"Good. Bye now" The woman said walking away and Yuzu waved at her
"See you tomorrow" Yuzu said and Mei tugged her arm
"Come on. We need to-huh? What's wrong with you?" Mei asked as she noticed Yuzu's reddened face
"...i-it's just that you called for me and grabbed me all of a sudden. D-do you really want me that badly, Mei?" Yuzu asked and Mei let go of her hand
"N-no! Don't get the wrong idea! I-I'm only here to discuss that with you" Mei said
"Mmm you could've waited patiently for me but instead you wanted to take me away" Yuzu said
"Because I need an explanation about that..." Mei said
"Oh relax. We have all day right? Unless you have other plans" Yuzu said
"Just get to the point already" Mei said. Yuzu wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned in towards her ear
"Have you forgotten that we're both connected? I'm not sure why you're acting like this is strange. It's fate telling us we need to be together...just like we were in our past lives" Yuzu whispered
"Hey hey!" Himeko said as she squeezed in between the two girls
"Ah Himeko-chan! Nice to see you again. Will you be joining us?" Yuzu asked
"Of course. I'm here to accompany, Mei" Himeko said
"Ah! We should all hang out like those other times when we were in middle school. It brings back so many memories right?" Yuzu asked
"Aren't we going now?" Mei asked
"Oh yeah. Let's go. Oh! Would you mind if we go by car?" Yuzu asked
"Is it far?" Mei asked
"No but I'd prefer to avoid the public. After what happened yesterday" Yuzu said
"O-oh sure" Mei said
"Alright. Come on. Kang's waiting for us" Yuzu said as she took her friends with her
"Kang?" Mei asked
"He's a close friend of mine. He's really nice. Himeko's met her before" Yuzu said
"You have?" Mei asked glancing over at Himeko
"I've met him a few times" Himeko said. Mei and Himeko followed her from behind. There was a car parked close by the entrance and Yuzu opened the door for the two girls
"Hop in" Yuzu said. Mei hesitated for a moment feeling anxious until Himeko gently pushed her forward
"We can't stand here all day" Himeko said
"Sorry..." Mei said and got inside along with Himeko. Yuzu closed the door and hopped at the front seat next to the driver
"Hey Kang!" Yuzu said
"So where are we going again?" Kang asked
"Have you forgotten about Udagawa-san's cafe?" Yuzu asked
"Oh that guy? Oh! That glasses dude" Kang said
"Are you starting to forget everything?" Yuzu asked
"My mind's been busy lately. Besides you said you wanted us to handle those reporters" Kang said
"Any updates on them?" Yuzu asked
"We've actually found two of them and they're apparently working together" Kang said
"Oh that's great news. Maybe by tomorrow all those news will go down" Yuzu said
"What news?" Mei asked
"Ah the ones about us from yesterday. I'm making sure that it all goes down so that you won't have a hard time. Also to help your grandfather not worry about you" Yuzu said
"It wouldn't have occurred if you'd just let me go quietly. Instead you chased after me" Mei said
"Yep. Sorry about that. I'll make sure to be more careful" Yuzu said
...if you just spoke to me then I wouldn't have to chase after you...
"Hm? Oh I'm getting a call" Yuzu said as she felt her phone vibrate and answered it
"Onee-chan!" A girl's voice was heard from the other side
"Hey don't yell so loud" Yuzu said
"Are you coming by to the cafe?" The girl asked
"How the hell did you know?" Yuzu asked
"Shai told me" The girl said
"And why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be in school?" Yuzu asked
"Nah I'm sick" The girl said
"You don't sound sick to me" Yuzu said
"I just wanted a day off of school okay?" The girl said
"Are you at the cafe too?" Yuzu asked
"Mhm. I wanted to see you again. You've been busy with your model stuff and school stuff" The girl said
"We'll get to hang out again okay? I've actually had an idea about going to a vacation" Yuzu said
"Huh!? Really?!" The girl exclaimed
"Mhm. I'll tell you about it later okay?" Yuzu asked
"Okay" The girl said
"Bye" Yuzu said and hanged up
"Don't tell me that brat will be there?" Himeko asked
"She will be. Besides Mei can meet our new friends" Yuzu said
"Huh? What? Excuse me but I'm not going to be making new friends. You and I have something to discuss about remember?" Mei asked
"Yeah yeah. Calm down. We'll talk about it" Yuzu said
"...she's not alone is she?" Himeko asked
"Highly doubt it. I think her cousins are there too. I'll make sure they don't bother Mei" Yuzu said
" better" Himeko said
"Who are we talking about?" Mei asked
"The Mizusawas..." Himeko said
"They're really friendly and nice. You'll like them" Yuzu said
"...yeah right. Meimei please don't listen to them when you meet them. They just talk nonsense" Himeko said
"Uhm okay?" Mei said

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