"Oh you're back. How was your day today?" Her grandfather asked
"The same as always. It was good. Also I'm going somewhere" Mei said as she removed her shoes
"Hm? Where?" Her grandfather asked
"Over at Himeko's place" Mei said
"What's gotten into you lately?" Her grandfather asked
"Hm? What do you mean?" Mei asked
"Well...I've noticed that you're going out more often and I don't think it's because of your friend Himeko right? Those other times you never mentioned Himeko" Her grandfather said
"It's true that I've been going out lately. Don't worry it's for educational purposes only. I've been helping the new student with her studies" Mei said
"Oh I see. I know I said you should help her out but don't forget to worry about yourself. It's good to help out but I don't want your rank to drop just because you're focusing on someone else" Her grandfather said
"I understand. I'll make sure to do well on my exams" Mei said
"Good. Oh and don't forget that Mitsuko will be tutoring you in two weeks. She finally made some time in her schedule to give you some tips on how to handle the Academy. You're getting close to graduating and heading to the Academy to become the next Student Council President. I hope you can prove to me that you're able to take care of everything on your own" Her grandfather said
"Yes grandfather. I'll make sure to not disappoint you" Mei said
"Good. Stay safe out there. Oh and uhm...Mei" Her grandfather said
"Yes?" Mei asked
"Will you be staying there or coming home? You know I won't be here tonight or for the next few days because of business" Her grandfather said
"I'll be staying with Himeko tonight" Mei said
"Okay" Her grandfather said
"I'll get my things ready" Mei said walking away and went to her room. She closed the door to her room and set her bag down
"Shouldn't I study? I will be meeting with Mitsuko-senpai...and if I end up doing something wrong then she'll have a word with my grandfather. No...it will be fine. I have to make a good impression on her. That way my grandfather doesn't have to worry about me" Mei said but froze remembering the girl's cheerful voice
"I love you, Mei"
Mei touched her chest feeling her heart beating rapidly
"Would it still be possible...for us to be together? If I inherit the Academy then...I would make the Aihara family proud. My goal will be achieved but...handling the Academy is a huge responsibility. I don't think...I'd manage to do it on my own or...more importantly might not have time to be with her" Mei said and glanced at the small bear that was sitting on her drawer. She walked up to the small bear and couldn't help but smile
"Let's not think about it too much" Mei said
I should just be happy that I get to spend time with Yuzu. I really love you...
Meanwhile in the apartment building the two girls were getting ready
"Achoo!" Yuzu sneezed
"Bless you" Shai said
"Thanks. Hmm...I think Mei is thinking about me" Yuzu said
"What?" Shai asked
"If you sneeze it means that someone is thinking about you. Anyways make sure you have everything" Yuzu said
"...why did I agree to this?" Shai asked feeling slightly nervous
"Because it'll be fun and I don't want Himeko to be the third wheel so I'm hoping you could give her some company. So make sure to be friends with her so when we're all together you can stay by her side while I'm with Mei" Yuzu said
"...b-but I really don't think it'll be a good idea" Shai said
"Himeko is really nice so you'll be fine" Yuzu said. The two girls got themselves ready packing everything that they needed for their sleep over
Knock Knock
"Miss Okogi, your ride is here" The driver said
"Yeah! We're almost ready!" Yuzu said and grabbed the bags
"H-hey I really don't know if I should g-go" Shai said
"Our moms said we can go. Now let's go" Yuzu said grabbing Shai
"Ah! Hey hey!" Shai said as Yuzu dragged her to the door. She opened the door and saw the man waiting for the girls outside
"You're not missing anything?" The driver asked
"Nope! We're good to go" Yuzu said
"Then allow me to carry your bags" The driver said
"Thanks" Yuzu said, handing him the bag and grabbed Shai's bag before giving it to him. After locking the door, Yuzu and Shai followed the driver who took them towards the luxurious car. The man held the door open for the girls and they got in. Shai glanced over at Yuzu who kept moving in her seat
"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Shai asked
"I'm just really excited" Yuzu said
"But you see her almost everyday" Shai said
"I really don't know how to put my feelings into words or describe what I'm feeling. This love that I have for her...it drives me crazy. I really want to grow up already and get to spend my life by her side. Haaah...you wouldn't understand my feelings, Shai" Yuzu said
"At least she's been a good influence for you since you've started studying more and your notes seem to be more organized" Shai said
"Well I have to if I want to get into the Aihara Academy and I have to impress her grandfather" Yuzu said
"I don't think that will be a problem because our fam-" Yuzu signaled Shai to stop as the driver opened the door and got inside the car. The driver got the car started and drove off. Yuzu leaned back on the car seat and couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement going through her body. She smiled brightly at the thought of Mei and tried to hide her blush
...I really want to kiss her
A couple of minutes later the car pulled up on the driveway and stopped
"We've arrived" The driver said
"Woah...it's huge" Shai mumbled as she looked at the mansion
"Thanks for the ride. Come on, Shai. Let's get out" Yuzu said
"Y-yeah" Shai said and gulped. She stepped out of the car and covered her mouth
Ah! This nauseous feeling! Calm down!
"Ugh..." Shai groaned and Yuzu went up to her
"Hey hey breathe. You're safe and no one is going to hurt you" Yuzu said and Shai nodded
"M-mhm" Shai said
"Just stay calm. I'm right here with you" Yuzu said
"Girls" The driver said as he held their bags
"Coming" Yuzu said and grabbed Shai by her hand. Shai trembled slightly, feeling extremely nervous as Yuzu dragged her towards the front door. The driver opened the door letting the girls inside the mansion
"Oh the guests have arrived" Celeste said as she walked down the stairs to greet the guests
"Hello Mrs. Momokino" Yuzu said bowing down and Shai followed her lead as she bowed down
"Welcome back Okogi-san and I see you brought another friend along" Celeste said noticing the other girl
"This is my cousin. She's a bit shy and nervous with strangers" Yuzu said and the girl looked up
"A-ah uhm...I-I'm Shai Higashi" Shai said
"Hi Shai. It's nice to meet you. Himeko is in her room with Mei" Celeste said
"Thanks! Ah and thanks for bringing our bags inside" Yuzu said
"You're welcome" The driver said and the girls grabbed their bags. Yuzu grabbed Shai dragging her along with her to the bedroom
"Y-you sure I won't cause...problems?" Shai asked slightly whispering
"Relax Shai. You're with me. Besides, Himeko and Mei are really nice. If anything happens just grab me and I'll be there for you" Yuzu said
"O-okay" Shai said
"You took your medication?" Yuzu asked
"Mhm" Shai said
"Then you'll be fine" Yuzu said. The two girls got to the room and Yuzu knocked on the door. Shai gripped onto Yuzu's shirt and started shaking a little
"Just relax. It'll be fine" Yuzu said
"Oh you're finally here" Mei said answering the door
"Mei!" Yuzu said as her face lit up and hugged her
"No! Wait!" Mei said losing her balance by the sudden hug and fell on the floor
"A-are you okay?!" Himeko asked worriedly as she rushed over to the girls
"Hahaha yes! We're fi-ow! Hey!" Yuzu said as Mei hit her head
"Quit hugging me so suddenly" Mei said
"Eh? But I can't help myself" Yuzu said as she cuddled her
"Get off" Mei said
"Okay okay" Yuzu said as she got up and helped her up. Himeko looked up and made eye contact with the other girl who immediately flinched
"So this is your cousin you were talking about?" Himeko asked
"Oh yeah! Mei and Himeko meet Shai. Shai meet Mei and Himeko" Yuzu said and Shai immediately clenched onto her shirt
"U-uhm...uhm! N-nicetomeetyou!" Shai said in an instant and Yuzu reached out wrapping an arm around her
"Don't mind her. This is normal. She is just really nervous around strangers but she'll be fine once she gets comfortable around you guys" Yuzu said
"S-sorry..." Shai said
"No need to apologize. It's alright" Himeko said
"Woof!" Pucchi barked as he went ahead and ran up to the new girl
"A-ah uh..." Shai stepped back feeling a bit nervous
"Don't worry. He's curious" Himeko said and Pucchi started sniffing Shai around before getting on his hind legs
"Woof woof!" Pucchi barked while wagging his tail
"It means he likes you. Go on. Pet him" Yuzu said and Shai knelt down petting his head. Pucchi panted softly and started licking her hand
"Awww he's cute. What's his name?" Shai asked
"Pucchi" Himeko said
"Hi Pucchi" Shai said as she smiled
"Well then let's start our slumber party!" Yuzu said excitedly
"You really were looking forward to this" Mei said
"Because I get to be with you, Mei" Yuzu said
"Yuzu was really excited. She couldn't stop talking about you. So you must be Yuzu's girlfriend?" Shai asked
Yuzu and Mei paused before looking at each other
"We made it clear that we aren't dating" Mei said
"But you let me kiss-mm!"
"Be. Quiet" Mei said coldly as she covered her mouth. Yuzu couldn't help but blush and nodded
"Oh please. You think I don't know you two sneak off to do whatever couples do? At this point you have to admit it" Himeko said
"And Yuzu...you really make it obvious" Shai said
"Eh?" Yuzu asked
"I agree" Himeko said
"Do I?" Yuzu asked
"You're always waiting for Mei like some sort of pet waiting on their owner" Himeko said
"Yes. I can feel your eyes on me everytime. Don't let the other students get suspicious about this. I don't want to end up dealing with rumors" Mei said
"Alright. I'll control myself more and stop doing that sort of thing" Yuzu said
"I hope you do" Mei said
"U-uhm so what are we going to do?" Shai asked
"I'd like to start off with a friendly game" Yuzu giggled softly
I should make a bet with Mei...

Connected Hearts
FanficA bit of a Honkai x Citrus crossover that involves a Reincarnation AU "It's been a while..." Yuzu said as she stepped inside the bathroom. Mei tensed up for a bit and walked to the sink to wash her hands "...yeah" Mei said. Yuzu looked at her and to...