Chapter Two

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The earth flew underneath me as I went deeper into the part of the forest that was familiar to me and I eventually slowed my pace. I came to a stop along forest's edge and I looked at the warm life I held in my hands.

"What am I going to do with you" I murmured before wrapping it up in my cloak.

I had forgotten about the golden flood that stained my clothes, but even if I had remembered, I wouldn't have cared.

When I pulled the door closed behind me, I saw my mother kneading dough.

"Your home earlier than expected" she commented when she heard me enter. The light smile that graced her lips vanished when she looked up. "What is that you've got" she asked, her voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Mom, listen I-"

"You get that thing out of my house Aveena." I opened my mouth to speak I was promptly cut off "now" she said, her voice shaking ever-so-slightly.

Her sudden reaction not only stunned me, but it truly scared me. "It's more than you think mom, dragons are not as bad as people make them out to be!" I told her desperately, praying that she would see reason.

"I told you to get it out!" She yelled, pointing at the door taking a step foreword.

With tears beginning to well up in my eyes I dashed out the door blinking the tears away and being sure to slam it.


Lunette stood weeping in her kitchen. She knew all too well that dragons were badly misconceived, but she also knew the future that lie ahead for her daughter. this future scared her so greatly. The prophecy that was whispered the night Aveena was born had had been pushed away and ignored, until now.


Night had begun to fall over the earth and dark clouds rolled in from the north, obscuring the stars from view. I had been kicked out of the one place that I was always safe.

I was now left with the care of a creature most presumed to be a mere myth. I pushed away the pain that was building in my chest and forced myself to evaluate the situation, I had to find a place to stay.

Instinctively I went to the local inn and tavern, the woman whose family owned it, Susanna was an old friend of mine and was easily the beauty of the town. She had blond hair the color of hay illuminated by the mornings sun and eyes like the sky. She lent me a room at no charge despite my persistence otherwise.

I finally got to sit down after who knows how long and I placed the small egg on the bedside table, wrapping my cloak around it so it would not roll about. My gaze lingered on its soft green hue for a few moments, a warmth spread about me. All those stories and legends had been true, there really was more to the world than we knew.

The dull roar of voices and laughter woke me from a sleep I did not know I had slipped into.

Following the sounds, it dawned on me that night was notoriously busy for taverns. Making my way down the stairwell, I was intercepted at the bottom by a flustered blonde.

"Hey Aveena, you wouldn't mind taking this to the table in the far back, would you?" Susanna asked, sweeping past me with dishes and plates skillfully balanced on her arms and in her hands.

Taken off guard I blinked a few times before accepting the one particular tray she indicated in her right hand.

I relieved her of her burden and she smiled at me "the man over there" she said nodding in a general direction to a man bent over reading something, not quite socializing like everyone else.

I squeezed through the compacted bodies and finally managed to reach my destination. I set his plate down and paused before returning.

"Thank you" the man said, not bothering to look from the ancient parchment in front of him. I frowned and nodded going back to find Susanna.

I found her behind the counter talking loudly over the din of the crowd to an especially intoxicated man. "If you knew what was right for you, Donahue you'd tell him to stick that offer right up his-" she cut off when she saw me. "Ah there she is! Aveena you simply must meet Mr. Donahue!" She said smiling at me, her face fell when she saw my expression. "Hold that thought" she said, ignoring the mans insistence.

She walked over to me pulling me by my elbow over to an unoccupied corner "are you okay?" She asked looking me over, her eyebrows cinched together in worry.

"My mother... she got so angry with me" I said, unsure of my wording.

"I figured as much, why else would you have come?" Susanna said with a sad smile.

"But she wouldn't even tell me why, it's not like I-" I was cut of by a flash of lighting. I froze, a sense of foreboding crept up my spine. "I didn't know it was supposed to storm tonight" I stated as I watched rain pour down in sheets outside and I had to excuse myself quickly from a very confused Susanna as my mind returned to the same memory from fifteen years ago the second time today. I forcefully elbowed and shoved my way through the people who mainly just laughed and ignored my efforts to move through them. I muttered "excuse me's" and "pardon me's" but again, I was ignored. Except for the man I had served earlier, he looked up for the first time and watched me as I frantically tried to pass.

When I finally got out of the huge conglomerate of people I flew up the stairs, nearly nocking into a rather passionate couple in the middle of the hallway. I swore loudly at the heavy jammed door to my room as I tried to open it, I ended up having to use my hip and brute force to get the thing to open. I looked around the dark room, only the sound of the ongoing storm outside and the people downstairs could be heard.

My worst fears had been confirmed when my eyes landed on the empty bedside table.

A/N: taa-daa! Chapter two up! I really hope I didn't disappoint because I'm really exited about this book! Don't forget to review follow and all that good stuff!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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