♥︎Chapter 8♥︎

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"Oh my god! Y/n! That's it, what Felix said?!", he overreacted.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

Chan jumped up and through the room, while he screamed: "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

You sat there irritated. Chan jumped for some more minutes and finally he calmed and sat down again: "Y/n? Don't you understand?"

"What should I understand?"

"I think what he tried to say was ———"

Loud voices came from the door, that opened fast: "We are back!"

Jeongin stormed into the room and hugged you: "Noona, I missed you!"

You answered playfully: "Oh come on! You were only a few minutes away!"

He replied: "That doesn't matter!"

You chuckled and felt this feeling of being welcomed and that you are a part of them.

Suddenly Chan grabbed your arm and pulled you over to him and you landed against his chest. He took you into a hug: "Oh, I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention."

You laughed: "It's okay!"

Again he grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the room, while screaming to the others: "We need to talk for a second in private!"

"Yeah — sure!", Han ironic said and all of the boys started laughing.

Chan whispered: "Just ignore those dumbasses!"

You also laughed.

He pulled you into the bedroom, where you woke up. You sat down on the bed and Chan on a chair in front of you, but then you realized something completely different.



"Where is Jinnie?"

"Oh, her? She sat next to you, while you were unconscious, but she was completely shocked and we brought her to the vet."

"Oh no, poor Jinnie!", you started to get a litttle bit sad.

"She will be okay soon and I bet she also misses you."

"Yeah, I hope she will be fine soon."

"But about Felix, didn't you realize something?"

"I don't know, but we are going to have a talk when he comes back."

"You really don't know!?"

"Oh, c'mon, what are you getting at?"

"I bet Felix likes you!", he announced excited.

"You mean, more than friends?", you asked carefully.

"Yeah of course, that's obvious!"

"But we only met a few hours before he needed to take the flight, he couldn't fell in love only in those few hours."

"Sure, you only met a few hours. But for Felix, it is Jinnie, who matters and the way you and her treat each other, it means a lot for him!"

"That's what he meant with that!"


"He once said, 'Jinnie is right, you are really someone special'."

"Okay, okay! That are enough hints! Why didn't you realize anything?"

"Probably because", your voice cracked.

Chan looked worried and pulled you into a hug.

"Propably because he also took my attention at first sight. But I didn't wanted to admit it, he has a completely different lifestyle and I will never have a chance with him!"

"You still didn't realized it?", he let go of you and sat back down.

"I want to hear it from him, instead I will never admit nor realize it!"

"We wait until he comes back and until both of you had the talk."

"That's probably the best."

"Okay, then let's go back to the others."

"Yeah, let's go!"

You came back into the living room, where the boys already set up a whole sleep camp.

"Oh the two are back~", Minho grinned.

"Guys! Calm down, we just talked about Jinnie and Felix!", Chan calmed all of them in only a second.

"Okay, then let's watch a movie!", Seungmin half screamed.

"Sounds great!", you also half screamed.

"Then I'll pick a movie!", Jeongin said in a sneaky voice.

At once Minho started to chase Jeongin through the room and screamed: "You really dared to try to knock the movie king off of his throne?!"

Jeongin screamed back, holding his laugh: "I wouldn't even dare!"

You tried to calm them down: "Guys! We can just all pick a movie together!"

The last thing you were able to hear was Chan, who screamed: "RUN!", before you were chosen through the room.

Minho screamed: "I thought you were my friends, why did you brought another rebel next to Jeongin and Felix here?!"

All of the boys laughed their asses off.

On your escape you ran over the couch and with it over Hyunjin and Changbin: "Both of you could help me, instead of laughing your asses off before I die!"

But Han saved you, while half singing his name: "~Minho~"

He stopped directly and got red like a tomato.

Chan screamed excited: "Oh my God! That was a confession from both of you! You can really admit it now!"

You said annoyed: "Chan! You're really the love doctor here!"

Now it were Minho and Han, who chased Chan and Chan, who chased you. But don't forget the others, who chased all of you to calm everyone down. After they managed to do that, you sat together and all breathed heavily. In the end it was, of course, Minho, who chose a movie. But to your disadvantage it was a horror movie.

The movie started and you already got scared at the start. Chan sat next to you and put his arm around you, to calm you down. You snuggled into his chest and started to feel save. Jeongin sat on the other side and was obviously scared as well. He also came over to you and hugged you from the other side.
Soon the three of you fell asleep and so did the others.

——— the next morning ———

You woke up, by hearing soft and cute snores from everywhere out of the room. Chan's chest got up and down regularly and a little fox was glued to your side. He and also Chan hold onto you, like their life depends on it.

Carefully you opened their grip around you and got up from the couch to make breakfast for all of the boys. Soon as it smelled already through the house, a sleepy Seungmin came into the kitchen: "Woah! That smells heavenly!", he said excited and placed himself onto one of the chairs.

Just like that all of the boys came one after another into the kitchen. Everyone loved your handmade food and you needed to admit, it was really yummy! About 10 o'clock you and Chan made your way to the police station. The officers were really nice and checked like 10 times, that you weren't kidnapped.

On the way home and you decided something and told it Chan: "I think, I can go back to Felix's place today, I'm feeling better now and also I have to finish my work until he comes tomorrow."

"Y/n, I don't think this is a good idea, cause —"


Authors note

Just the words ; )

(Words 1132)

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