♥︎Chapter 2♥︎

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It was about 3 o'clock and you were standing in front of the biggest mansion you ever saw. Is it really the right house? On the other side was this the answer of the amount of money. After some time of staring at the mansion you made your way to the front door and walked up the stairs. Now it was your time to ring the door bell.
A few seconds passed and some footsteps were coming to the door. The door opened. You saw a men in your age, so still really young. He looked so perfect, his freckles, his beautiful blond hair, his perfect body shape and last but not least his beautiful modern suit. This could be Mr. Lee's son, probably he waits for me inside.

"Hello, my name is Mrs L/n. I'm looking for Mr. Lee." , you said after both of you stared at each other for a second to check the person on the other side to solve the uncomfortable mood.

His smile grew wider in his face and it overwhelmed you. It was like the sun greeted you personally. You snapped back into reality as he spoke up:
"Hello, Mrs L/n. I think I'm standing right in front of you. I'm Mr Lee, nice to meet you!"

He reached out his hand to shake yours.

You just stared at him, you couldn't move yourself. This didn't fit to each other... He was like a little sunshine or a kitty, but his voice, it was like the one of a tiger or lion. You couldn't believe what happened right now. It was so awkward that you said you were searching for Mr Lee, while he was standing right in front of you.

"Mrs L/n? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!", you laughed at your self, "I must have drifted off in my thoughts, I'm really sorry..."

"Hey, don't apologize, it's fine.", he smiled softly at you.
"Should we go inside?", he tried to change the subject, "Then I can show you the house."

"Great idea, I'm already curious about everything!", you also smiled at him.

He steps back and makes an inviting hand gesture.
You go into the house and a big and bright entrance area greets you.

"Wow, this looks so great!", you say amazed.

"Haha, I've heard that somewhere before." , he laughed and had a proud facial expression.

"Do you live here alone?", you asked because there was nobody to see.

"Yeah, I actually moved in here a few weeks ago, since my friends and my job is near here.", he told you while showing you a little bit around.

"This part of the city is really nice to live in, you made a good choice." , you replied simply.

"Then I think you live in this area as well, when you praise it like this?"

"Yeah, the candidate got 100 points!", you said jokingly, "I live here since I'm a baby and my sister's house is only a few streets away.

"You live with your sister? This must be so funny!", he answered happy.

"It has its up and downs.", you couldn't tell him your money problems... he would kick you directly out of the house...

"Oh fine.", he replied with a pitch that made you knew, that he knows it wasn't everything that you said.

While he showed you the rest of the house it was a comfortable atmosphere between you and Mr. Lee.

"So, that were all of the rooms.", he smiled at you.

"Mr. Lee...", he turns to face you, "They all look great and so cozy."

"I'm honest, I love them also!", he pauses for short, "but what about this, just call me Felix, I mean you are about to take care about my house for a week, like this it would be more personally."

You began to laugh a little bit, "Okay, then hello Felix, I'm y/n!"

He laughs and joins the joke, "Nice to meet you y/n! What if I show you the garden?"

Both of you are laughing while going outside, as you reached the door he opened it for you, but you were standing in the door petrified.

"Y/n? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks you after a minute of just standing there.

"Yeah, I'm fine! But this is so gigantic. It's a sea of flowers!" you are still standing there frozen in the door frame.

He laughs at your actions: "Come, I show you around."

After you still haven't moved, he puts his hand carefully at your back and pushes you outside.
He wouldn't let go of you, because he wasn't sure if it was only the overwhelming part or if there are any health problems.

"Okay, I think I'm fine now.", you said and moved a step forward that his hand wouldn't be on your back anymore.

He checked at you with his eyes and then you went to a big fenced area. You were a little bit surprised and curious what's inside. After you came near to it you saw plenty of dog toys.

"What's this?", you asked Felix.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wrote this into the advertisement", he stopped for short to look at your facial expression, "I found out this morning I couldn't take him with me."

"Okay, then I would conclude that here is a dog inside?", you asked cautiously.

"Now it's my turn", he winks at you, "the candidate has 100 points!"

You chuckled at his actions, but then your mind turns: "Hey! What should that?"

He looked at you shocked. But you keep on talking: "That is my sentence!"

After this he bursted out in laugher and you as well. This joke was the badest but the best. Always. This is what you said every time, when one of your friends say a word or a sentence that you always say.

When you calmed down form the laughing your face got filled with concerns and you couldn't help yourself. It was that feeling that there is a task you probably couldn't make and you didn't wanted to disappoint Felix... Why? What did I think? I don't want to disappoint Felix!? What is going on in my head?!

"Y/n? What's wrong this time?", he already asked a little bit jokingly, because of the last two times.

"I'm so so sorry, I think there is a little big problem...", you were standing there with your eyes looking down.


Authors note

Just the words ;)

(words: 1084)

The Housekeeper [Lee Felix FF]Where stories live. Discover now