Big Day Out

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Disclaimer: If I owned KHR this wouldn't be called fanfiction.
A/n: as I'm writing this for my own enjoyment I'm not depending on your reviews and comments but it would be nice if I could get some. Sorry for the long A/n. And now onwards to the story!

As Tsuna had mentioned in the morning, he was having a very bad day. If so, how could he expect it to get better in the afternoon? Nothing involving Reborn and Lambo ever went well. He had called his mother from the airport, " Ara, Tsu-kun, I didn't know that you were in town. Of course I'm coming for a day out, I'll be right there!"

She kept to her word and was there within fifteen minutes. It might seem short to you, but in that span of time, Reborn neutralized (read: knocked unconscious) Lambo and two shopkeepers. He didn't say why. Everybody was too afraid to ask him, and rightfully so. Lambo, proving that he hadn't grown out of his foolishness, had stolen I-Pin's candy. Not that he had time to eat it, as he was knocked unconscious shortly afterward. I-Pin was now enjoying her candy, seemingly unaware of the destruction around her.

Nana was bewildered by the scene for all of half a second until Lambo, who had perked up as soon as he had seen her, glomped her shouting "Maman!". I-pin followed shortly after. Tsuna opted for a more dignified approach but still hugged her warmly. Reborn tipped his hat to her, a sign of respect, the fedora covering his eyes.

Nana had returned the hug enthusiastically and said

"I have to go shopping for chicken breast to make as dinner for all of you, do you want to come? The four agreed readily, and soon enough they were on their way. Alas, the relative peace (Lambo was still arguing with I-Pin about the candy he stole) was not to last for long.

"We are the fearsome Pesca famiglia! We have come to conquer the Neo Vongola Primo!", shouted a group of men in conspicuous black suits and hats. By this point, Reborn had read the situation perfectly and had evacuated Lambo, I-pin, and Nana from the vicinity of the soon-to-be crime scene, for, as he was prone to say, he had trained Tsuna to perfection. Whenever there was a threat to civilians and Tsuna was around, the threat was 'Taken Care Of' with record speed, which meant at least two visits to the hospital, and three apology letters sent to the mothers of these poor criminals.

Within five minutes the criminals were begging for their mothers. One criminal retained enough reason to limp away as fast as he could clutching a dislocated arm. He shouted fearfully after Tsuna: 

"I'll call our boss and he'll take revenge on you! Just you wait, Neo Vongola Primo!"

'Well, that was taken care of easily' Tsuna thought. 'Maybe too easily?'. He barely finished the thought, and he was already whirling around to face the ominous presence behind him, finding his face mere inches from Hibari's murderous scowl.

"Omnivore, you stole my prey", Hibari growled threateningly, mouth flush to Tsuna's ear.

'Honestly, you should know better than to jinx yourself with those kinds of thoughts' Tsuna berated himself with a despairing sigh.

"I want to fight you as compensation for stealing my prey". Well, wasn't that just perfect. just what he needed, instead of spending a quiet evening with his mother. He dragged a tired hand over his face and thought of how he might escape this predicament. 

Suddenly, the reprieve Tsuna had been waiting for appeared, though it came in an unexpected form. Gyuudon, Lambo's box weapon had emerged. He barreled into Hibari, carrying him into the sunset, Hibari's shocked gaze lingering in Tsuna's memory and in his cell's memory card for the purpose of future blackmail.

In Gyuudon's place stood Tsuna's real savior. Standing proudly with his afro waving in a glorious halo around his face was five-year-old Lambo... crying.
Once he had offered him some grape candy, and Lambo had quieted, Tsuna asked him what had happened; upon which Lambo had erupted in a stream of words:


(Translation: "Bakadera was mean and he pulled Lambo's hair and the bazooka slipped out!").

It appeared five-year-old Lambo had accidentally triggered the bazooka and had been sent to the future, while teenage Lambo was unwillingly dragged back to the past.

Until Tsuna had deciphered Lambo's sentence the five-year-old cow disappeared and the familiar fifteen-year-old one had replaced him. By now all Tsuna wanted to do was sleep it all off, and so, he found himself in his old bed in his old room, staring up at the ceiling with Reborn sleeping and blowing bubbles beside him, thinking of the coming reunion.

God, he wasn't ready for this.

Well that's it for this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it!! Please rate and review, your comments make me really happy and motivate me to write!!!

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