The Reunion (Part one)

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A/n: Hi! I'm really sorry about the short chapter last time but I hope I'm making it up to you because this is the longest chapter I've ever written by far. I planned to finish the reunion in one chapter but I guess I was kind of swept away.

In other news, I'm off to France this weekend and won't be back till the 26th. What does that mean? You guessed it, no more updates until then due to lack of internet. So again, sorry.


The teacher of class 1-A, Nezu-Sensei, was waiting impatiently on his chair next to his desk for the last stragglers to assemble and the chatter to die down. "Catching up with each other is the point of a reunion" the principal practically squealed, "So don't be too hard on them".

He did not believe the idiotic principal the slightest bit. Class reunions were for the teachers and the teachers only. During the reunion, the class teacher could see who had failed in life and who had succeeded. The students could wake inside them a healthy sense of competition and rivalry with each other.

After all, who wants to reawaken old bonds and grudges with people you haven't seen in a decade? Despite all that it seemed as though the students were having the time of their lives. Inane chit-chat such as: "How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" And "Really? A businesswoman? What a surprise! I seem to recall you wanted to be a world-renowned tennis payer!"

As you might have gathered from the tirade before you, Nezu-sensei was bitter and prided himself on his unforgiving nature and his penchant for 'giving students a taste of real life', as he arrogantly stated, so when he came upon four absent students in his class list he was pissed off.

"Yamamoto Takeshi? Chrome Dokuro? Sawada Tsunayoshi? Gukodera Hayato?" he called again as if expecting a different answer. Understandably, the class was intrigued.

"Oh! I remember Chrome! She was the hot shy girl with an eye patch!"

The women's dreamy sighs and squeals demonstrated beyond doubt that they indeed remembered the former baseball player Yamamoto Takeshi quite well, as well as the brooding Italian hottie who had looked so cool with a cigarette stuck between his lips. But when Nezu-Sensei called out Tsuna's name only confused whispers filled the classroom

"What? Come on you monkeys seriously don't remember the poor kid you used to bully all the time?" Hana's lone voice rang out. Still, the confused silence was deafening.

Nezu-Sensei remembered Dame-Tsuna quite well. He had always remembered the failures in his class. This particular failure was especially hated both by his classmates and by Nezu-Sensei himself, thus earning himself his demeaning nickname. The bitter teacher had never forgiven him for revealing that the teacher wasn't quite so 'elite' as he often enjoyed bragging he was.

And so it was Nezu-Sensei who came to Hana's rescue by uttering the demeaning nickname that poor Tsuna had been given:

"Dame-Tsuna". Suddenly, a chorus of 'oh's filled the classroom. The students suddenly remembered all the Tsuna's embarrassing deeds.

"The pervert was always in his boxers",
"He couldn't even answer a simple question in algebra",
"He never got above a 53 in any of his tests".

Now, while it is true that Tsuna had improved his score average to Reborn's standards in high school, which meant he was on Honor Roll almost all the time and valedictorian three years running, one must remember that he was Dame throughout Middle school and these particular students had no chance of knowing of these formidable accomplishments, for Tsuna was shipped off to Italy to undergo training and to learn at a prestigious school there.

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps interrupted their gossiping. The students were waiting with bated breath for them to pass the classroom, but alas, they stopped in front of the door and it opened. In the doorway stood a man, crouched over and holding a stitch in his side. Silence reigned in the room. The students went over the man from head to toe once more and found little details that they hadn't seen in the first rush to react.

The man had a slim figure, brown spiky hair that actually looked pretty soft and fluffy, and was apparently very rich, for he was wearing a Gucci suit. Then, he stopped panting and straightened up. Both men and women gasped.

The stranger was stunning. He had almond shaped chocolate brown eyes, which seemed to hold a deep aching sadness in their depths, but also unerring hope for the future. They were set almost perfectly in his face, along with full pouty lips and high cheekbones, which somehow managed to remain masculine. In short, he was nothing short of godlike.

"Sorry I'm- huff- late" he began "Kyoya stopped me at the gates". The students of class 1-A only knew one Kyoya who could possibly terrorize the gates. But it was impossible, wasn't it? There was just no way that the handsome stranger could escape, much less fight his way out of the clutches of the famed "Demon of Namimori", was there?

But, as if the world was out to prove them wrong, the door slammed open once again. This time, there was no prince straight out of their dreams, but a Tonfa, behind it stood a well-remembered former prefect.

 "I'll bite you to death, Omnivore" came the deadpanned statement from said former prefect. Those lone six words brought yet another uproar from the class, or at least as much of an uproar possible from any sort of crowd desperately wishing that Hibari would not notice them.

"I'm sorry for being late Hibari, and I'll fight you full strength later, but could you let me off the hook for now, as you might damage school property?" The class could all tell whoever's reading this that what the stranger did was very foolhardy. Hibari never listens to reason, does he? Imagine their surprise when the feared Demon actually acquiesced to the stranger's plea.

"Fine, I'll be patrolling the grounds for any foolish herbivores".

 Now all of this was EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARY, as a certain someone might put it, but it seemed like their troubles were not over, for yet again a pair of footsteps came pounding up to the door.

Thankfully, they could recognize the strangers outside the door, as the women and the men proved quickly. Various squeals and whoops filled the air as they welcomed two class idols and a highly admired girl into their midst. Now, somewhere between the stranger and Hibari showing up suddenly, Nezu-Sensei had decided that he had enough, therefore, everything must come to a complete stop and now was the perfect chance to voice his opinions.

 "ORDER! I will have order!" He practically screeched.

"Everyone sit down!" everyone reluctantly dispersed and sat back down, the air still permeated with excited whispers.

"Now," he said smugly, pleased that he had controlled the situation semi-successfully.

"New arrivals introduce yourselves".

"Yamamoto Takeshi" A tan lean man with a scar on his chin said, accompanied by the squealing of various fan women around the room.

"Gokudera Hayato" the other male late comer said, a signature cigar hanging off his lips. These profound words of wisdom also elicited many squeals from the female population. The only female of the group gave her name as Chrome Dokuro with a couple of 'as cute as I remembered and 'that's our Chrome' following her words. 

As the men quieted down the last visitor drew a breath, opened his mouth, and said in a sweet voice "Sawada Tsunayoshi, it's nice to see you all after so many years". The class was deathly silent. A few awkward moments passed, filled only with deathly silence until Nezu-Sensei finally broke the silence with a loud "WHAAAT?!!"

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