The Reunion (Part Two)

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A/n: Oh. My. God. I finally finished this thing and even did it within the deadline (barely). Please enjoy the chapter and leave plenty of comments! I can't believe the amount I got on the last chapter! I opened my Wi-Fi and was blasted with so much positive feedback! And now..... onwards with the chapter!!


As soon as Tsuna had heard Nezu-Sensei's exclamation he knew he was screwed. You see, there are several stages of shock a person is able to go through. The first one is denial. Cue: "There's no way that guy is Dame-Tsuna." Then, when they finally believe, there's shock.

 Cue the deathly silence. And then, there's the shock breaker, which is usually a loud noise, usually followed by a lot of surprised and sometimes indignant exclamations. Being a mafia boss, Tsuna had naturally developed a flair for the dramatic.

Hayato, as Tsuna's self-appointed right-hand man, suffering from his own obsession with the scientific, had cataloged all the different types of reactions and compiled them into one general file, and some other significantly larger files containing the chemical reaction of various people to shock and other scientific jargon. Tsuna had neglected listening to the larger files in a way most unbefitting a Boss. Anyway, back to Tsuna being screwed. 

The storm and the rain took up protective positions around him in preparation for what was to come. But while they could protect him from any physical attack, they could not shelter him from the sheer deluge of words that came. Because the writer of this story is so benevolent and generous she will spare you most of the squeals but even her considerable bullshit filters can't withstand so much abuse. So, this is a filtered version of what Tsuna heard. "There's no way that you're Dame-Tsuna. I won't accept it. There's just no way Dame-Tsuna's that hot."

 But, among the general disbelief of the Decimo's classmates, there were a few voices uttering words of support. And of course, the loudest and most devout of those numbered voices was the ever faithful right-hand man that was always ready to protect his Juudaime. And who in their right mind wouldn't believe a former class idol?

No one except, apparently the person standing just outside the doorway of the classroom voicing his opinions very loudly and vocally. This is what he said:

"Come on! He's obviously tricking you! Even you lot can't be so stupid as to assume that he's Dame-Tsuna."

"Mochida! What are you doing here?" Tsuna cried out. Indeed, the trio remembered him quite well as the main bully of the formerly useless Neo Vongola Primo. Of course, Chrome, not being present for most of Tsuna's middle school days did not have an inkling of who the man standing before them was. But, despite not knowing for sure, she could guess by the dirty looks her fellow guardians were relentlessly sending Mochida and the stories they used to tell back at the mansion. Mochida was cowering a bit under them for he was unused to receiving such intimidating glares and an even scarier smile from the Tsuna impostor. That only solidified Mochida's opinion that the person before him really wasn't, and could not ever be Tsuna.

 Sadly, Mochida's solidifying opinion did not harden his shaking knees. He tried to hide them and succeeded partly, enough for the untrained eye, but unfortunately for him, there were a considerable amount of fully trained eyes in the room, whether he liked it or not. Hoping to cover it further, he blustered:

"If he's really Dame-Tsuna, he wouldn't mind proving it to us, would he?"

"With pleasure", Tsuna said almost mockingly, assuming a more confident pose, ready to call Mochida's bluff.

 He had then procured an official-looking drivers license along with his name, picture, date of birth and date of his driving test printed on it, and promptly handed it to Mochida. Mochida checked all the fields disbelievingly, eyeing the portrait which was identical to the man standing before him, and had no choice but to concede reluctantly, looking extremely baffled.

Meanwhile, Gokudera was thinking some right-hand-man-unworthy thoughts: 'How dare the bastard doubt anything Juudaime says! Why, I ought to blow him to pieces for the insolence he's exhibiting.

 I wonder though why he looked confused while handing the license back... oh no. It certainly had all the required fields of a driving license, but it was Italian that would certainly be enough to befuddle him, but what it also had, emblazoned clearly in gold on the back of it, is the Vongola emblem! But it should mean nothing to an ordinary civilian.

He would have to corner him after the reunion or track him down to find out what he could possibly know about Vongola. Even if he didn't cooperate, Gokudera had his ways and he would take pleasure in... convincing the man to keep his silence, after all, he deserved whatever was coming to him for treating Juudaime in that disrespecting way'.

 Gokudera had made up his mind and would not be deterred. It was no wonder that he was happy when Nezu invited him to stay, Mochida being one of the old teachers' favorite students in his time. The reunion passed in a blur after that with Gokudera getting a few concerned glances from his fellow guardians, and his boss.

They had all noticed him being absent minded and thought he was pondering some deep existential question, and so, when it was time to leave, they didn't ask unnecessary questions. Gokudera was grateful.

That meant he could act swiftly without his boss questioning his methods. Nearer to the exit, a shiver went down Mochida's spine. Mochida never got shivers without them meaning something and so he waited patiently for the reason to show up. After all, he was never known to be the brightest of the lot. Gokudera, who was coincidentally the reason of the shiver, did come, and he did so quickly.

In no time at all Mochida found himself pinned to the wall and being asked rapid-fire questions by a certain silver headed bomber.

"Who are you really? What's your purpose here? Have you come to assassinate Juudaime? Are you Mafia? Which famiglia are you from?", Gokudera spat out while snarling menacingly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Mochida finally cut him off.

"What the hell is Vongola?" Gokudera looked at him and slowly said,

"So you don't know anything about Vongola?", His grip loosened slightly.


"....Oh." The oh was very small, as if Gokudera was embarrassed or ashamed and Mochida wanted to know more. He was unbearably curious about this Vongola, why it was so protected and what was Gokudera's, and by extension Tsuna's connection to it. And so, you could imagine his joy when he overheard Gokudera's call to his 'Juudaime' and heard them talking about a party next week, and planning the place and time for the 'Annual Gathering', as they called it.

 His mind was made up. He would attend, and he would come ready for whatever they had to throw at him there. That meant taking up his old Kendo lessons. Well, at least now he knew where he was headed.

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