2: Hey Batman, I Think You're Kinda Funny

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It's been two weeks.

Two whole weeks.

I've been checking my laptop every single day, at any given minute, hoping for a hello. I never get friend requested, you know? I was hoping that I'd finally be able to connect with someone. I know it'd be easier to create a genuine connection with someone who I don't have to see in real life; someone who can solely perceive me based off my words. I've never quite been a fan of my real identity, so being able to hide it means everything to me. Nothing ever seems to work out, though. It's a good for nothing gimmicky app and I—

Buzz! Buzz!

Holy shit. Was that it? Was complaining all I had to do? Manifesting must be real...

I let out a groan as I force my body up, sitting on my bed. I pull my laptop close to my legs and atop my lap, opening it up to see my screensaver. I won't lie, my fingers are kinda shaky as I type in my password. I kind of feel like a God. There's no way that could've been a coincidence. At least... that's what I'll tell myself. I love a free ego boost. My screen shifts to that infamous webpage, and my eyes light up as they gaze over the private message icon. One new message. Thank goodness. Of course, I don't hesitate for a second before clicking on it.

hey there

I can't even lie, I'm smiling like a little kid in a candy shop right now. Maybe I'll have another friend for once. Someone other than Luke. Sure, he's a fun guy, but it gets a little... boring. I hate admitting it. I've just spent so many years with the guy, I know him a little too well. I've always wanted that chance to find something new. Well, now's my time.


Only two y's at the end of hey. I can't look too desperate. I can't look too uninterested, either. It's a good balance.

My wandering eyes darted back to the screen, seeing that my new companion was typing. It's late, and I should go to bed, but replying seems more interesting. I'm aware that I have school in the morning, but I don't have any tests or anything important. I should be fine. Should.

what are you up to so late at night

With the light of the computer screen reflecting off my wide eyes, I look down to the keyboard and back up to the chat. What am I even up to? Nothing. I can't let this person know I'm a loser, though. My fingers clack against the black keys, conjuring up a genius reply. Well, I think it's genius.

well, you can't tell anybody this, but... i'm batman. honest

That one made me chuckle a little.

I graze my fingertip against the smooth lining of my keyboard, fidgeting and fiddling with my environment as I await a response. All there is to do is wait. Nobody likes waiting. My room is completely dark minus the lit up screen, and there is nothing at my disposal other than my laptop. So, I sit alone, tapping my fingers near the mousepad, making entertainment out of nothing.

no way. so if i put out a bat signal, you'd be here?
in theory, yes
so, that's why you're here, huh? can't let anyone unveil your true identity
you're right on the money (:

I try to keep myself from chuckling too loud; gotta avoid waking up my mother. It's hard, though. I'll be the first to admit I'm having a good time. It does feel weird, though. Can I be close to someone when I don't even know who they really are? Is an identity a mere mask and all you need to know about someone is everything else? I don't know—but I'll find out. That'll be after I go to bed, though. I'm ungodly exhausted and I have to wake up in about three hours if I want to make it to the bus on time. Talk about agony...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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