~DeVante Swing • The Curse 4

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This is the last one yall! My new book Infatuation will show you how we got to this point. Gon head and read that, I'll add shorts throughout cause the kids are the real stars😌.


Autumn B chapter 😍

Autumn sat on the floor, her little legs crossed, a determined expression on her face

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Autumn sat on the floor, her little legs crossed, a determined expression on her face. In her hand, she held a small paintbrush, dipped in various colors of washable paint. Devante was hunched over a guitar, deeply engrossed in creating music in his home studio.

Seeing her daddy so focused, Autumn decided to find her own entertainment. Nearby, she spotted a picture of her dad from his younger days, he looked the same but as time went on you could see the changes. Especially his face, adorned with his signature tattoo and permed locks.

Inspired, she had an idea. With the innocence only a toddler could possess, she dipped her brush into the paint and carefully approached her father.

Devante, lost in the melody he was crafting, didn't notice his daughter's artistic inclinations until he felt a gentle brushstroke on his cheekbone. He turned, confused as always, to find Autumn standing there, her eyes squinting with concentration.

"Daddy, you pretty like me." she said, her voice full of innocence and pride.

Devante couldn't help but smile at his daughter's creativity. He gently put aside his guitar and pulled her onto his lap, allowing her to explore her imagination.

"You're gorgeous, lil mama. I can't compete. Why you painting my tattoo?" She shrugged as he smirked.

"Gon and work yo magic, baby."

With utmost care, Autumn continued her masterpiece, her tiny hands moving with a surprising amount of precision. As her father watched her work. Admiring the way she furrowed her brows in a manner similar to him. Despite her being a spitting image of Toya. He'd never get tired of looking at his children, his most prized processions.

It took a hell of a rollercoaster ride for him and his wife to get to this point and those around them could attest to that. The life they lived together was well worth the rough start and the foundation had been repaired, sturdy as ever.

Toya peeked into the room, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight before her. She stifled a laugh, watching as Autumn, fully absorbed in her task, attempted to color in his face tattoo with an array of vibrant colors.

Devante, seeing Toya, motioned for her to be quiet, not wanting to disrupt Autumn's concentration. With a playful glint in his eyes, he mouthed, "This lil lady is so fuckin dope."

Toya grinned and tiptoed away, deciding to capture this adorable moment on camera. Autumn's focus remained unbroken as she meticulously painted her father's face, way surpassed the initial task.

After what felt like an eternity for a child, Autumn finally put down her paintbrush, admiring her handiwork. Devante, his face now a colorful masterpiece, looked into a small mirror nearby and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Toya returned, camera in hand, and joined in the laughter. "Well, you're definitely rocking a new style, sugah bear" she teased, using a nickname that he loathed.

Devante fought the urge to roll his eyes, instead, he winked at his daughter, who clapped her hands, proud of her artistic achievement.

In that moment, amidst the laughter and creativity, their living room filled with love and joy.

DeVante said a quick thanks to God for looking out.

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