~DeVante Swing • The Curse 3

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This pic has me SCREAMING 😂😂😂
We turnt all weekend for our man's 54th!

In the bustling morning rush, Toya and Devante found themselves in the car, navigating the school drop-off routine with their two spirited children, Austen and Autumn. As they drove, the siblings, seated in the back, were engaged in an animated discussion that escalated into a playful debate.

"Am not!" Austen protested, his face scrunched up in mock offense.

"Yuh huh! You ugly!" Autumn retorted with a mischievous grin.

"Hey man, we ain't down wit none of that shit" Devante said, glancing at them in the rearview mirror.

"I don't make ugly babies, but apparently, I do make liars. You see that boy? He's handsome as hell and you as pretty as you wanna be. Ion know about y'all mama but nothing I create is ugly. " he teased, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Toya chimed in, her tone laced with humor, "They got them ears and clogged noses from you."

The family man gasped, eyes still on the road. He reached out his hand to playfully pop his wife's thigh.

"Well, they got the lying gene from your side, just like when you said you was on the pill."

Austen, ever the curious one, piped up, "W-What's a pill?"

Toya, trying to redirect the conversation, quickly responded, "Oh, it's just something grown-ups sometimes take. Don't worry about it."

Austen seemed satisfied with the vague explanation, his attention already shifting to something else outside the car window.

The car filled with laughter, a testament to the DeGrate family's ability to navigate even the quirkiest of morning conversations with love and humor. With that, they continued their journey, the playful banter fading into the background as they embraced the day ahead.

Devante parked the car near Autumn's head start program, his heart brimming with a mixture of pride and anxiety. His little girl, usually so full of energy and smiles, was unusually quiet in the back seat. As he unbuckled her, he could sense the apprehension in her wide eyes.

"Come on, boo" he said gently, his voice a comforting lull, trying to coax a smile from her. But today, Autumn frowned and clung to him tightly, her tiny hands gripping his shirt as if he were her lifeline.

"Daddy, nooo. Don't go," she whispered, her voice wavering with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes, mirroring the ache he felt in his chest.

He knelt down, meeting her gaze at eye level. "Hey, little mama," he said softly, moving a plait of hair behind her ear. He had to look her face, admiring how she looked just like his wife.

"I'll be right here when you're done. You're gonna have so much fun today, baby! Lots of friends to play with and shit-stuff."he caught himself.

Autumn hiccuped, her lower lip trembling. "But I want you, Daddy."

Devante's heart broke at her words. He wished he could whisk her away, keep her in his arms forever, shield her from every hurt in the world. He kissed her forehead, trying to convey all the love he felt for her.

"If I take you back to that car where your mama and brother are, mommy gonna hurt me. We both love me too much to see me hurt, right?" He earned a nod

"Right, that's my boo! I'll be back before you know it. And we can talk about all the fun thangs you did today."

Reluctantly, he gently pried her fingers from his shirt, handing her over to one of the teachers who offered a reassuring smile. As he turned to leave, he heard her cry out, "I love you, Daddy!" Her words hung in the air, pulling at his heartstrings.

Walking back to the car, he wiped away his own tears. The internal battle between wanting to shield his daughter from pain and allowing her to grow and experience the world weighed heavily on him. He sat in the driver's seat, taking a moment to compose himself before driving away.

"This is why I said let me take her in. Y'all both are so dramatic, big babies." Toya said wiping one of his tears, as he swatted her hand away.

"Woman, shut up." He laughed. Anytime he dropped Autumn off that's how it went.

Toya and Devante watched with amused smiles as Austen barely waited for them to say goodbye before jumping out of the truck and running into the school. His enthusiasm for the day ahead was contagious, and it left them feeling a mix of pride and amusement.

With a chuckle, Devante turned to Toya. "Looks like little man can't wait to get away from our crazy asses." he said, his eyes reflecting the same pride he felt for his son.

Toya nodded, her affectionate gaze following Austen's disappearing figure. "He's growing up so fast. "she remarked, ignoring his comment. Her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and nostalgia.

Devante slipped his hand into hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "But he's got his sexy ass mama's smarts and his fine ass daddy's charm. He's gonna do amazing shit. Both of em gonna take over the world." he said, his confidence in their kids abilities evident in his tone.

"Can't believe they came outta my balls. Shit is wild."

"I bet Rev says the same about y'all." Toya countered making DeVante smack his lips.

"Don't nobody wanna hear no shit like that about Pastor. Besides, Dalvin is adopted. We don't know who nuts he came out of." He joked making Toya laugh.

Feeling a moment of rare calm amidst their busy lives, they decided to seize the opportunity for a spontaneous breakfast date. They drove to their favorite diner, hand in hand, savoring the quiet moments together.

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