~DeVante Swing • The Curse Prequel

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The day Toya and DeVante met

I'm screaming at him looking like Derek in this pic. I digress tho

Amidst the rhythmic drumming of raindrops against the café windows, Toya's eyes scanned the room until they landed on him—an enigmatic figure sitting in the corner, his gaze deep and contemplative. Emboldened by curiosity, she approached his table.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice steady despite her heart fluttering in her chest.

Devante looked up from his notebook surprised by the question but genuinely pleased. His hazel eyes meeting hers.

"Nah, have a seat, baby." he said, his tone as smooth as his melodies.

As they exchanged introductions, Toya found herself captivated by his aura. "I'm a big fan of your work," she stammered, feeling slightly starstruck. Devante smiled, taking in her chubby face.

"I take it you a fan. Music how I express shit I can't put into words."he replied, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Toya's eyes lit up. "More than a fan, I've been following your music since 'Forever My Lady' dropped. Your talent is simply amazing. Meeting you here feels like destiny."

Devante chuckled, appreciating her enthusiasm. "I believe in destiny"he smirked.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, shifting through topics like favorite artists, childhood memories, and dreams for the future. Toya's laughter mingled with his, creating a symphony that echoed through the cozy café.

"I've always been fascinated by art," Toya confessed. "The way colors blend and evoke emotions—it's like magic."

Devante leaned in, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "Music is art in motion. It's , like, about paintin' emotions wit' sound. Creatin a connection that goes beyond words. " His large hand reached for hers.

Their discussion delved into deeper waters, exploring life philosophies and shared dreams. Toya spoke of her passion for painting, describing the feeling of a brush against canvas. "It's like each stroke tells a story," she mused.

Devante nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way about composing music. Every note, every beat—it's a chapter in a story waiting to be told. There's a feeling it gives you, a warmth"

Outside, the rain continued its dance, providing a melodic backdrop to their conversation. They shared stories of their journeys, revealing vulnerabilities and dreams. Toya found herself drawn to Devante's authenticity, his genuine love for his craft, and the way he spoke about life as if it were a grand composition.

"You have this magnetic presence." Toya said, her gaze never leaving his. "It's like you have the entire world in your eyes ."

Devante's expression softened, touched by her observation. "And you have a way of seeing the beauty in everything, shit even on a rainy ass Monday."

As the evening deepened, the pair realized they had spent entirely too much time in confined to the space of the coffee shop. Devante, never one to shy away from bold moves in the recent years, decided to tease her a bit. "Ya know, I think Imma write a song about you. Something that like, captures this moment right here."

Toya, captivated by his charisma, blushed at his suggestion. "That sounds... incredible. I'd love to hear it someday."

Devante grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "How bout this? Give me your number, and when the song's ready, you'll be the first to know. I'll even give your pretty ass a special preview, you down wit that."

Toya, enchanted by his offer, eagerly shared her number, her heart racing with excitement. Little did she know that this encounter would mark the beginning of a beautiful connection, one that would be immortalized in a song that would touch the hearts of many.

Days later, Toya's phone rang distracting her from the task of washing dishes. Hesitant yet excited, she answered the call, her voice barely concealing her curiosity. "Hello?"

"Yo, it's DeVante," came the smooth voice on the other end. "I've got something special for you, beautiful. Are you ready?"

Toya could hear the anticipation in his voice, mirroring her own. "Absolutely, hit me with it."

And with that, the ethereal strains of a piano filled the airwaves, followed by JoJo's soulful voice crooning the lyrics of a song Devante had crafted just for her. Every word, every note felt like a whispered confession of their shared connection, a melody woven from the threads of their encounter.

As the final notes lingered in the air, Toya found herself speechless. "It's... it's beautiful," she confessed, her voice catching with emotion. "I never expected..."

Devante interrupted her, his voice cool. "Sometimes, unexpected moments lead to the most extraordinary experiences. I hope you like yo song, Toya. Maybe one day you can come kick it wit a nigga and I'll play it for ya live." hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's it called?" She quizzed.

"Ahh shit, my fault, T! It's called What About Us." He laughed at his lack of introducing the song to her.

"I like the name too." She cheesed through the phone.

"Good cause the name wasn't gone change. This is it."

Overwhelmed by the depth of his gesture, Toya could only manage a heartfelt, "Thank you, DeVante. It's incredible. You've turned an ordinary rainy day into something magical. I'd kick it with you any day, just hit me up."

"Shit, I'll come scoop ya now if you really down. Take a ride, know what I'm saying." his voice perked up as she blushed.

" I can meet you where you at in 30." she spoke and he quickly agreed.

In the weeks that followed, "What About Us" became an anthem of their budding romance, a testament to the serendipity of their meeting. With each note, Toya felt a connection that went beyond the music, a connection that whispered of shared dreams and unspoken promises.

Little did they know, their story was just beginning, and the pages of their romance were yet to be written. In the intricate tapestry of fate, they had found each other.


I'm thinking about giving the DeGrate's their own book so I don't spam this book.

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