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Hello everyone

Preeta : Karan.... Karan... Get up! Get ready, we will be late
Karan : Its ... Still 7am , let me sleep for 1/2 hour more plz..
Preeta : Get up now! We have to get ready
( she made him to get up and get ready.... She again checked his luggage and made sure to load them properly, which they will receive next day directly at Delhi. )

Rakhi : Children ... Come and have your breakfast, or else at end you guys will end up with empty stomach.
Srishti : thanks... Aunty, I'm actually quite hungry.
Kritika : Come  Rishi you are late (scream)!
Rishabh : Yes I'm coming
Sarla : He is always busy with work.
Mahesh : You all come and occupy seats now, Lets have breakfast
Rakhi : Preeta....& Karan.... Where are they?.
Karan :Here... We are, its because of this preeta...
Preeta : Ohhh...hooo Karan
Rajeev :Did you guys load luggage properly.
Karan :yes...uncle.
Sarla : Join us on the table then

( I move, but preeta didn't, I note as  I realise when I found my next seat is still unoccupied,  I turn to see her standing like statue staring at dining table with eyes welled with tear. I reach and I just caught her hand she clutched my hand instantly but moved with me)

Preeta pov
I suddenly realise its last dining with karan before he go to Delhi for 3 years. I want this time to stop but it won't :'( . But I promised Mamma Yesterday that I will not cry or make others sad specially karan. I want him to have nice time with family. I controlled my emotions and we enjoyed the meal. Rishi bhai and all are busy with bussiness, I told them I will help karan settle in Delhi, so we are leaving 1 week early from the day of his joining. My classes will start next month.  I want to steal these moments for myself. Daddy and Uncle can't help him settle and Mamma and aunty will stay with Daddy and uncle. 😊

Author pov
They had  brekfast. All bade goodbye to goodboy Karan. Everyone gave him heap of advices, instructions and lots of love and care. Rakhi become so emotional about his depart, its first time but she is consoled by   Mahesh but he himself was sobbing. Sarla giving instructions to Preeta to not to create mess there, Help him settle nicely. To be careful and take care of her son, cause, Karan is no less than her son. She always treated him dearly. She kissed his forehead giving him blessings and love. Rajeev also encouraged him to accomplish his wishes and to stay safe there.
       His dear brothers and Sisters reminding him to call them in every few minutes. Its almost time for their departure. Kadam's joined them and Arjun also blessed him. Sammy cried because he will miss him. Prithvi wished best to karan and gave him his gift.
        Karan was overwhlemed by the Atmosphere, he also started getting teary but he is controlling his vulnerable side, he is preparing his mind for this day from the day he decided to do this.

Preeta ranked 1st in college, karan was so happy for her so thus preeta. But he heard, his so called friends talking his behind that Preeta cheated in exams ( Everybody knew Preeta is very good at studies since childhood and still ...) also complained about Karan will directly own his dad's company. Being born rich is blessing. They don't have to put any efforts, they are fed with silver spoon since the day they are born and so on.
                Karan made sure its never knew to Preeta and Karan decided to get into prestigious college, get a degree with good marks and own his passion with peaceful mind. He didn't liked the feeling he had when he heard the discussion of him owning company getting 12th rank but his friend who 5th ranked student standing in the crowd with no plan of future. And he had no answers to these questions. It made his moral down. It made him think twice of  his ability. Question himself of his standard.  It was pathetic he was feeling back then.
He was sure he will run Ikshana but he had to prove himself his worth not to anyone.
He has to do his best....💗 His journey is to build/ gather the confidence and Courage of himself.

Family bidding goodbye to Preeran at airport...💙

Sarla :Karan eat well, take care, Don't worry about here alright! Be safe and love you, miss me cause I'll miss you.
Karan :Love you too aunty.
Preeta : Bye... Aunty, Don't cry. I will try best to help him settle there.
Srishti :Don't get yourself settle there 😆 you have classes to attend (she jokingly said to which everybody has smile )
Rakhi :Srishti Don't make fun of her...
Preeta : Bye... ( she hardly spoke)
Karan :I love you guys so much...miss me 😢 Bye

Karan pov
Karan :Preeta are you ok?
Preeta :Hmm....
Karan : If you feel uneasy tell me alright.
Preeta : Hmm...
Karan : Why are you only hmm...ing me tell me something
Preeta :Hmmm..
Karan : Areeee.y.....what is wrong, look at me
Preeta : (Look at him)
Karan : Whats wrong...? Thinking about luggage😆
Preeta : ( Move her head as no, looking like puppy)
Karan :  ( Careseek her hair) Are you hungry.
Preeta :No (Again move her head sidewise)
Karan : Don't be scared, here catch me ( Hand my arm to her, she own my arm now, I noticed she didn't had her seatbelt on, so I did it for her. I know she is bit scared, she will be ok after flight takes off. I decided to keep on talking with her, so her mind will be distracted and I successfully made it possible. She woke up so early today so now fell 😴 asleep. So did I, after covering both of us with shawl.)

Preeta pov
Preeta : Ahhs...smmmm....
( I fell asleep... And  karan also is sleeping. I heard announcement - the flight is going to land, I turn to wake him up but stopped looking at him. My mind was clouded by miscellaneous thoughts making me feel feverish... His long eyelashes, the pleasant smile carved on his lips, his defined nose...wait what I'm thinking and suddenly reminded by the thought of reason I'm here is to bid goodbye. In the corner of my mind I thought I will really make best use of my time with my bestie.
And finally woke him up by calling him.)
Karan : Ahhhnnnn... Let me sleep (I hide myself on her shoulder)
Preeta : Karan .... Ge...t up ....we have to go.
........... After a moment.....
Karan : Yes...mam (She smile)

Karan: Lets wait here baba... No need to get taxi. Prithvi bhai already arranged ride for us. We need to search for our driver in this crowd.
Preeta : Where is he then!I'm tired😦
Karan : Yes... Here! See Luthra is on that board.
Preeta : Lets go! then
Karan : (Open the door for her and made sure she is settled, and he help driver with the luggage and get back to seat with the bag)
Here.... Have it ( Give her croissant)
Preeta : When you packed this...😃
Karan :Eat it, you didn't had anything in the journey sleepy head.
Preeta :Same to you (They eat...croissant)
Karan : Bhaiyya... How much time will it take to reach  Nirvana colony?
(Preeta meanwhile posted the picture of them on the family group about their landing safely in delhi,and busy responding to the messages thrown by worried Mamma Birds and cousins.)
Driver :1 hour sir, its so much traffic today. By the way are you new to the city? Are you here for your studies you guys look younger.
Karan : Yep!.... You guessed it right.


Karan : Preeta are you Ok! Drink the water... Bhaiyya plz..do stop the car, she is drinking water.
Driver : I can't sir its a busy highway, can't stop the ride in between - I'll make it steady.
Preeta : Its...hiccough .... Ok!
( She manage to drink)

Author pov
They reach KARAN Room, which is arranged by Rishi and Kritika. Its near his campus and its safe place, surrounded by many PGs, hostels, mess and grocery, market etc. So many students stay in this area. 

Thanks for reading

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