Hyunjin x Felix ( party! ❤️)

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Little: Hyunjin 2-3
Cg: Felix (duhh😭💀)
Trigger warning ⚠️: nothing I don't think ( as always pls tell me if there is anything that trigger you so I can add it to the warnings next time :))
No one pov

" Hyunnie! Baby, where are you?" Felix called out to his missing baby.
From a distance Felix could hear the small giggles of a familiar baby. His baby to be exact.

" Hmmm I wonder where baby boy is?" Felix asked as he walked into the room his little was in.
" Is heeee under the table? No...hmm?" Felix said aloud while the giggles seemed to get louder by each sentence.
" That's a shame, I was hoping to have a dance party with a special someone but I guess not anymore. I have no one to dance with!" Felix fake cried.

" daddy! No cry Baby hereee!" Hyunjin said clinging to his daddy and he tries to comfort the so called "sad" daddy.

" Oh there you are baby! I was looking for you" Felix says as he picks up a peachy baby.

" Dance party daddy?" Hyunjin asks with a slight tilt to his head. Who could say no to that?!

" Ofcourse Hyunnie! Let's go, I'll let you dance to heart beat!" Felix says rushing out of the room with his special little in his hand.

While downstairs Felix was setting up the music Hyunjin already thought of a song he wanted to listen and dance to.

" Daddy!" Hyunjin exclaimed with pure excitement.

" Yesss baby?" Felix replied.

" Byeol byeol!!" Hyunjin exclaimed from his spot on the couch.

" Ohh you want s-class?" Felix asked. All his little boy did was nod frantically wanting to hear Changbins part.

" HIP- hop! Oops-" Felix voice cranked as the song flew through. At his daddy's silly action Hyunjin started to laugh non stop. All tag can be heard through the house was Hyunjins tiny giggles and the song playing.

" Heyyy! What's so funny babes?" Felix said as he tickled Hyunjins side.

" Hahaa! Daddy s-stop!" Hyunjin said in between laughs.

" Unfortunately The tickle monster can't be stopped." Felix said as he continued to enjoy his small baby's fit of laughter.

After a while, Felix stopped to let Hyunjin catch his breath after his laugh attack.

" I love you daddy!" Hyunjin said while jumping onto Felix.

" Daddy loves you too baby! Never forget it" Felix replied as he returns the warning hug.

" Also don't tell Chan that I let you play hide and seek in his office."

The end❤️

HEYY guys! Sorry I didn't post in a hell of a long timeeee. But new chapter is up for my book "star lost" Also I hope you guys liked this chapter!
I don't do a lot of tiny Hyunjin so I hope this was a treat!

Word count:474

Have a good day/night my lovely's ❤️

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