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" It is " Jungkook said. " Now it's upto you whether you chose to believe me or not,I have already told you everything " He said as he got down from Jin's lap and sat besides him.

" I ." Jin buried in face in his palms ." I don't what to do" Came a muffled voice. He took a deep breath in and then looked at Jungkook.
" I want to believe you so badly" He said.

" Then do it, what's stopping you Jin" Jungkook said desparately.

" I don't know, like what suddenly changed your mind ? " Jin asked." Like it kills me to say it but you were the one who was head over heels for Hwan" Jin said gritting his teeth." Then why would you suddenly choose me? It just makes no sense Jungkook" He said.

Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance at that.
" Isnt the answer simple, it's like in front of your eyes"

" What are you trying to say? " Jin asked in confusion.

" I choose you because you are Jin, Jin who cares for me , Jin who looks after me, Jin who gave me several chances and Jin who trusted me the most . You are Jin and I am afraid of losing you, I just want to stay with you forever and not Hwan." Jungkook said with sincerity dripping from his voice.

" I don't get it , you used to hate me" Jin said shaking his head.

" Exactly used to, I don't anymore, what's so difficult to understand "

" But why? What made you change your mind? "

" Gosh" Jungkook broke down in tears finally because he is at his limit. Everything was so overwhelming and his husband wasn't even able to understand him. " You changed my mind * sob* " He cried. " Not only my mind, but my heart, its your fault "  Tears roll down his face.

Jin looked at the younger one who was crying and it broke his heart again.
" Don't cry please, you have been already crying since past few days, give them some rest. I don't like seeing you cry." He said wiping the younger one tears.

It made Jungkook cry even more as he said
" Whose fault do *sob* you think it is? If you don't like seeing me cry then stop * sob* making me cry too"  He looked at Jin accusingly with tears still in his eyes.
" It's your fault*sob*. Why do you have to be so nice *sob*. Weren't you famous for being rude and cold, why were you so nice to me that* sob* th-at it changed my heart completely"

" Jungkook I " Jin was about to say something when the younger shook his head stubbornly.

" Let me speak, I am not done. You have no right okay, no right to be this good, no right to look this handsome that whenever I look at you my heart starts fluttering, whenever you are near me I get nervously happy , butterflies just fly around my stomach, you *sob* have no right to make my heart beat so much that I am afraid it will rip apart from my chest and just present it'self for you.

Do you even know how I feel when you aren't with me or don't pay me attention* sob* I feel like someone just stole most precious piece of mine, you idiot why do you have to pamper me like this, you put up with my every attitude and at the end of the day you just *sob* make me feel so special " He cried. " Is it so difficult to understand that I love you "

Jin breathe caught inside his throat when he heard the younger's confession.
" You? You love me? " He asked pointing at himself.

" I do *sob* I love you so much " Jungkook cried.

" I , what, you , love shit." Jin's brain was glitching because never in his wildest dreams he thought Jungkook would profes his love for him.

" Why aren't you hugging me * sob* ? Aren't you happy? Is it because*sob" Jungkook rememberd how Jin regretted the thing earlier" Because I am *sob* ugly? " He cried.

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