Chapter 21

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Giyuu Tomioka's POV

It is already 7 pm and Shinobu is not here... I tried calling her but it was not available. I am comforted by Tsutako, my older sister, who just came back from a visit.

"Giyuu, worrying won't help" She gave me a glass of water but I refused. I stood up from the couch and went out to look for her. But then I got a call from Kanae...


"Did she call you??"

"Shinobu! She is w-with Douma! She called!" I heard more tears from her and comforting words in the background. I started running to Kanae's house and that's when I saw Shinazugawa's car.

"Get in, we'll explain" I quickly got in the back seat, Surprisingly Rengoku, Tengen and Obanai were there. Tengen took out his phone and played a record...

"Alright now speak!"

"T-Tomioka San-" Shinobu?

"You heard her! But you won't in an hour! If you want her alive, come meet us at the bar at xxxx" (insert a bar's name 🥲)

The record ended... It was Gyutaro's voice... His gang must have taken her... Why?

"It's Douma's gang, must be seeking revenge on our last fight, shitheads"

Everyone was stressed out, mostly me... What if we get there too late? When was the message sent?

"Tengen, when was it sent?"

"I didn't check the message since it was sent from that rascal, unfortunately, I saw it 45 minutes late.." Fuck... It will the at least 15 minutes to reach there... Will Shinobu be fine? Or what if she is already...

"Hey, she's fine. Don't stress out" For the first time I heard Rengoku not so enthusiastic, he was also close to her... 
Obanai and Shinazuawa kept getting calls and messages. Mostly from Misturi and Kanae. I too got calls from Tanjiro and the others

"DAMNIT!" the car took a sudden break, it was jammed with cars...

"If those shitheads take the 1 hour too seriously, we have less than 10 minutes..."

We didn't have time for this fucking shit! I ran out of the car and ran towards the bar. I heard the others leave too but there was no time to wait for them... I swear if something happens to Shinobu, I will fucking kill them...

After 4 minutes of constant running, the bar was on-site. I ran faster and as I got there I quickly slammed the door open.

"SHINOBU!" I yelled but it was pitch black...

3rd Person's POV

Shinazugawa caught up with Tomioka who was followed by the others, but instead of glimpsing any presence of the gang or Shinobu, they were welcomed with darkness.

"OI YOU SHITTY BASTARDS! COME OUT!" Shinazugawa yelled but there was no response, Tomioka walked deeper into the darkness but was in a  kick by someone. "Fuck.." he mumbled

"Ahh did I hurt you too much? I wanted to save you for them" a woman's voice was heard...

"Daki..." Tengen mumbled under his breath. "Where is Kocho?"

"Hmmm, you guys are... Just in time! Would you be willing to meet her?" Gyutaro turned on the lights. Everyone's eye was wide open as they saw Shinobu tied to a pole lying unconscious.


"There there Tomioka, you should be glad that we didn't kill her yet. She was a handful though. But we didn't expect you guys to be here!" Douma brought his hands together and gave a grin

"You expected us not to be here after you hurt our friend?!" Tengen lost it as he charged towards Douma but was suddenly stopped when he saw a blade kept close to Shinobu's throat.

"That's right! Come closer and she's dead" Shinobu was slowly gaining her consciousness. She tried to move her hands but it was tied to the pole behind her.

"What do you want from us?" Rengoku asked calmly.

"We want you to suffer just the way we suffered" Gyutaro chuckled with his response. "You can call us maniacs as we gain pleasure seeing the ones you love being traumatized"

"We won't kill you ya know" Daki took a knife from one of the drawers and cleaned it. Obanai felt some movement behind him, he turned around. But just as he did, Nakime kept his knife inches away from his eyes.

"Sit" Nakime ordered, unable to react to anything Obanai sat cursing under his breath.

Daki went behind him and tied his hands.

"How about all of you give up and let my dear friend tie you guys up!" douma clapped his hands. None of them were able to do anything since a single movement would cause Shinobu's life. Daki tied their hands together and Akaza went to Rengoku. He brought a knife to Rengoku's throat and slowly pushed it in

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Just as Tengen screamed, they heard a cry from Shinobu. Douma gave her a cut on her cheek just because Tengen did so.

"Oops! My hand slipped, haha my bad" Tomioka growled after seeing his girlfriend suffering for no reason.

"The smell of blood just got worse, and what was the scream? Haven't I told you to make sure that nobody screams in here?" A man in black hair and red vampire eyes came into the room, he was the so-called 'Master' of the gang.

"Ahh, my apologies Master~" Douma bowed at the man, while he just gave a disgusted look.

"Is the girl dead yet?" The man asked

"Not yet~" Douma rolled was a smirk

"Muzan Kibutsuji...? You're the serial killer..." Tengen mumbled

"Yes, that's me, make sure to kill them all at the end" Gyutaro nodded as Muzan left the room

"Ahh you almost got us in trouble Uzui"

"DAMNIT-" Tengen felt a sharp blade deep in his arm. His throat was pulled back by Daki indicating that he shouldn't let out a single sound.

"Back to my Shinobu~"


"What was that Tomioka?" Douma faced Giyuu who let a single drop of tear roll down his cheek

"You can do anything to me... But just leave her alone..." Douma's attention then drifted back to Shinobu ignoring Giyuu's words.

"Hey Daki! Pass me one of the sharpest knives you got" Daki went to her 'collection of knives'.

"Oh, my bad. The best one was used to stab our Tengen Uzui! Mind passing the knife to Douma, brother?" Gyutaro just smirked as I pulled out the stabbed knife from Tengen's arm and threw it to Douma. Tengen hissed in pain not making much of a sound as Shinobu's life depended on it

"Thank you Gyutaro~" Douma faced Shinobu who just opened her eyes. Douma kept the knife on her forehead and slowly dragged it down. The further he dragged the Knife, the more he pushed it down on her skin.

Her blood started dripping down the knife as Shinobu let out a soft cry.


"TOMIOKA HANG ON FOR A WHILE MORE!!" Obanai hissed at him but was ignored by Tomioka, he broke free from the rope and charged at Douma. Before anyone could react, he grabbed the knife from Douma and shielded Shinobu.

"Horrible decision Ha!" just then the door fast opened relieving the cops.


"You think we would come bare-handed?" Shinazugawa smirked at Akaza on his right.

"SHINOBU!" Kanae cried as she ran to her little sister. But what she did not know was that Nakime pointing a gun at her. Shinazugawa noticed the gun and ran to Kanae to push her aside. But instead of pushing her aside, the gun shot him instead...

Author's Note

Two more chapters and you have completed reading this book, once again thank you guys so much for checking in! Do vote and leave a comment if you enjoyed that chapter~

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