Chapter 141

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I stare at my parents standing in the doorway, and I want to slam the door on them for covering something so simple called truth; you wouldn't see it even with light, I guess I need one to find some truth between them. I moved out of the way, my parents walked inside and my eyes bugged out as I saw my father behind her and gave me a smile. What the fuck is he doing here?

I swear if he thinks so much I'm going to forgive him for what he did, he's completely fucking wrong in every way in his tiny and thin head, "What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I slam the door shut. I watch my father sit on the couch all nervous and see his left leg begin to shake like a junkie wanting for his new drugs. He stares at me dead in the eye, "We were worr–" he stopped talking from seeing Rachel standing by the counter. I walk to her, "Bedroom, please" I whisper to her so she can be safe and doesn't see me turning into a monster when I want to rip my father's bowling ball shaped head off. Rachel glances at them, then back at me and I nod okay. I watch her walking to the door when slamming the door and probarly going to hear the conversation with her glued to the door.

Where I don't blame her because I would definitely want to listen to this lovely show of family fighting and it probarly get louder if you dropped a bomb with the screaming and breaking glass cups.

I continue waiting and staring at them like a fucking idiot for actually letting them come in; yet I need one of them to start talking because I'm not going to be the first person along with needing them to drink the truth serum fast.

"So first, we want you to know how much we love you," my mother tells me as calmly she can. I keep looking at them deadly in the eye, and don't need to listen about how much they love like she did the same thing before my first section of therapy I had for four months after Skylar passed; everyday I thought I was losing my mind, sometime during the sections. I would just be on the couch and stay silent when the therapist was writing down on a notepad.

My father looks at both of us, almost wanting to throw up a little, "Can I get some water?" he asks. I get up from the couch, grab a water bottle from the fridge and throw it to him. My temper is on the edge right now and ready to fucking pop like a balloon, "Here". He lifts it, "Thank you".

"Would someone start talking?" I beg of them and crackle my knuckles of wanting to punch them and they nod okay as my mother grabs, and pull out two bundles of teared up envelopes and places them in front of me on the table, "These should help you with your questions," she says as wiping a small tear rolling down her cheek. I see the brokenness in her eyes to become glossy from something to seem further to tell. I'm getting more confused about what hell is going on then she holds my hands and kisses my forehead, "I love you my boy,".


I hear the bedroom door, and Rachel's footstep closer, we look each other as I don't move inch as she sits down next to me and I take a sip from my cup to see in the corner of my eye, she's wearing one of my black t-shirts and snowman fuzzy pajamas. I swear she dresses like a little kid waking up on christmas day but I love it. Rachel's eyes darted at the cup in my hand, and didn't do anything.

"It's water. I promise," I lift the cup for her to smell and she grins a little then picks up a stack of envelopes, "What are these?". I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know," I place my cup down and grab another stack of them and my chest feels tight like a brick house on it.

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