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Life felt kinda empty. You know, those things you used to love? They just didn't have the same spark anymore. Life just seemed, well, a bit dull, you know?

Life felt like a total snooze fest. Those activities you once thought were the bomb? Now, not so much. Everything just seemed kinda meh, like a black and white movie in a world of color.

It's like a never-ending loop, isn't it? Wake up, same routine, sleep, repeat. There's this strange comfort in the predictability, but at the same time, it's like life's lost its flavor. It's not that there's nothing to do, but more like there's nothing that excites you anymore. Each day blends into the next, and it's hard to pinpoint anything to look forward to. It's like being stuck in a cycle of monotony, and you can't help but wonder when something new and thrilling will break through this routine.

Every morning, the alarm clock's annoying buzz is like a cruel reminder that you're trapped in this never-ending loop. It's not that you don't appreciate the comfort of familiarity, but it's also stifling. Breakfast, commute, work, lunch, work, commute again, dinner, TV, sleep - rinse and repeat. It's like life has become a series of checkboxes with no room for spontaneity.

You used to relish the weekends, but even those have lost their luster. The anticipation of something exciting has dwindled, and you find yourself just going through the motions. What's the point of it all if there's nothing to genuinely look forward to? It's like you're stuck in a grayscale world, longing for that burst of color that used to make life feel vibrant and worth living.

It's been a while.

You miss them. But you can't go back even if you wanted to. You've tried and failed miserably. They said they'd find you somehow. But it's been so long that you've almost forgotten the memories you've made with them.

Hanma's threat didn't even scare you anymore. It's like you've lost all hope of ever seeing at least one of them someday.

Everyone around you still continued on with their lives and you feel like you're the only one stuck in the past. Should you really just forget what happened and move on?

But who could just move on from something so magical, so surreal?

You know you can't just wait forever for them and if you don't start moving forward now then when? When you're already old and lonely?

Of course, you weren't really in a hurry. But it would be nice to have someone beside you. Someone who truly cares for you and loves you unconditionally. You were getting sick of being the only single person in social gatherings that you're always forced to attend.

"Just one more day..." You whisper to yourself, closing your eyes in front of the mirror before looking into your own reflection. "One more day of waiting....no, one week. That's it. After the week is over, I'll forget them. I'll move on. I can't keep being like this."

A lot has changed since the day you got back. You lost your glow, lost the sparkle in your eyes, lost the contagious laugh that could make the coldest hearts warm. You wanted it all back. You needed to have it all back. It's time to find yourself again. Maybe then, they'll find you too.

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