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"Shuji, say hi!"


Shivers came down your spine, hearing his voice for the first time in a long time while looking into his eyes.

Hanma Shuji is real.

"Hello..." You mutter, only loud enough for them to hear.

The two of you didn't interact after that. Hanma was just staring at you, a ghost of a smirk on his lips while his 'aunt' explains to you why she wanted to introduce him. She was concerned that you would feel uneasy seeing a new face around the neighborhood after what happened to you and she feels like you need to know more people around your age.

Basically, she wants to set you up with him. Oh boy.

While Lisa talked, you forced every fiber in your body not to glance at him. You can't deny he's still absolutely handsome. But you can't forget the fact he threatened to kill you the last time you saw him.

They left after Lisa bid you a good night. You locked eye contact with Hanma as they walked away and something inside you tells you he's gonna come into your house later and that scared you.

But...his sudden appearance meant it was all real. Everything. You weren't crazy.

And that means they're real as well.

But where are they? Why aren't they here? How did Hanma find you first?

You didn't waste time in preparing your stuff as well as Mittens'. There's no way you're going to spend the night here after meeting him. You earn a lot so spending a few nights at a hotel somewhere in the city won't leave you nearly broke.

Just as you opened the door, you were met with the same person you were trying to avoid.  Of course this would happen. You're not a very lucky person. You should have expected this.

"Aunty Lisa told me to give this to you." He raised the chicken casserole he had in his hands. "Aren't you gonna let me in?"

Your hands turn cold and you gripped the doorknob, wanting nothing more than to shut the door in his face. But that would be dangerous. It's only gonna anger him more and you'd like to think you can still change his mind about killing you.

Stepping back and opening the door wider, you put Mittens down and he stared at Hanma curiously.

You wanted to run but he had longer legs and probably a gun. You'd die before you could leave the neighborhood. Mittens would either get killed or left alone and you don't want either of those to happen as well.

"Hanma, please..."

"Shh shh shh..." He turns to you after putting the food on the table, a finger against his lips. "Let's not ruin our wonderful reunion, darling."

A shiver went up your spine and even though you didn't want to look at him, you forced yourself to keep an eye on him. You know for a fact that he doesn't have good intentions and you also know that no one would believe you if you told someone about his real identity.

You waited patiently for him to break the silence but he merely took a seat facing you. For about ten to fifteen minutes, the two of you stare at each other. You with a blank face and him with a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

"You're as beautiful as the first time I saw you."

You didn't reply. What can you say in return? Sure, he still looks devilishly handsome but do you really want to give him the satisfaction of hearing that from you? No. He already knows it anyway.

"Why are you here?" You ask him after a couple of minutes.

Hanma sighs and stands, gesturing to the food he brought. "I was just bringing you over some dish like a friendly neighbor."

"We both know what I mean..." You mutter with a glare.

Tilting your chin up to look at you properly, he spoke in a low tone. "So, you do remember. How much can you recall?"

You push him away, feeling tingly where he touched you. "Just enough to remember you're an enemy."

"How could you say that, doll? I was never your enemy and I never will be. I don't have to be." Hanma clicked his tongue, his facial expression still as annoying as ever.

Your brows furrowed in confusion. His choice of words were intriguing. This man shouldn't be trusted at all but then again you had no idea what to do at the moment to get away from him unscathed.

Leaning down, he nuzzled his face to the side of your neck. His hot breath fanned your skin as he closes his eyes to take in your scent. So much time has passed and he had missed you too dearly to even think of executing what he had planned before.

"You can't escape from me, doll." He mumbles. "I did  tell you I'd chase you until the ends of the world, right? And that wasn't only applicable to mine."

"Please leave me alone, Hanma. I finally got my peaceful life back." You try to tell him but it seemed like he wasn't hearing any of your words.

"Give me a chance, darling. We can start over, live here, live normally..."

"You and the word normal don't sound well in the same sentence." You mutter and he leans back to give you a grin.

"You're right." He says before his grin turned into a calm smile. "But I'd rather live a dull life with you than without you."

Looking at him, you could see you two living together. He looked more mature now, way different than the Hanma Shuji you last saw. He also looked more calm and poised. Well, a long time has passed so you shouldn't be surprised.

Realizing he still had to go back to his 'aunt's', he kissed the top of your head and mumbled something along the lines of talking to you in the morning before leaving. You didn't even get to say anything, not that you had anything to say really.

It's been a long time since the day you forced yourself to forget everyone and move on but seeing Hanma made you spiral down the rabbit hole again. You badly wanted to see everyone, you wanted to know how they've been or if they could even remember you.

A part of you wanted to believe that, like Hanma, they're out here in your world trying desperately to look for you. But, then again, you want them to forget you and move on to avoid more complications in the future.

You didn't even have a single piece of item that could remind you of them other than the picture you drew up. The sound of your phone getting a text made you snap back into reality. You read the text from your neighbor, Lisa, about her asking you if it's alright for her to give your number to Shuji.

Sighing, you replied that it's alright. Not like you could just ignore him or get rid of him any time soon. By going along whatever he has planned, you'll be much safer. That reminds you that you must protect your kind neighbor as well just in case he's holding her hostage for his advantage.

Another text, but this time from Shuji.

Let's go on a date tomorrow, darling. Dress pretty. Pick you up at 7 ♡

Though you don't feel anything for him at the moment, you can't help but get a little bit excited for what he has planned. He was always fun to be with before, after all.

Without replying, you prepare yourself to sleep. Mittens has been fed and is already sleeping on his own little bed so you hurry yourself to do the same.

After you turn off the lights in the living room and kitchen, you rush to your bedroom and closed the door. As soon as you covered yourself with the duvet, you received another text from Shuji.

Goodnight and sleep well, darling. I'll be dreaming of you like always~♡


I was supposed to update yesterday since it was my birthday but i got too tired and fell asleep lol

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