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Surprisingly, Hanma did not disappoint you with the way the night was going.

It was late when you woke up and luckily Mittens didn't empty his food bowl the night before so he didn't bother you in the morning for food. You spent the remainder of your hours pampering yourself before the supposed time Shuji picks you up.

And when he did, you were surprised to see him holding a bag that clearly looked like they were for small pets. The clear ones that you can wear as a backpack to take your pets with you wherever.

"That's not necessary, Mittens doesn't like going out." You tell him but he didn't believe you and called your kitten to him.

Looking at him bent down as your kitten's paws pitter-patter towards him made you feel something in your stomach. He already looked extremely handsome in his clothes and now he looks down right adorable as well.

"See!" He happily shows you that Mittens went into the bag on his own accord. "He wants to come with us."

You couldn't help but smile up at him. He looked so happy and innocent that you could almost see yourself getting used to his presence. Too soon but it is what it is. He's actually not bad when he's not jealous.

Holding his hand out to you after wearing the backpack on his back, you gingerly placed your hand in his. Mittens was just sleeping in the bag as the two of you walked to an expensive looking car. It made you wonder what Shuji's life is actually like now.

"You look absolutely stunning, by the way." He mutters, looking intently into your eyes.

Looking down at the dress you were wearing, you smiled. "Thank you. You clean up nicely too."

It was no secret that you made an effort in dolling yourself up for this date.  You knew the color he liked seeing on you and the vibe as well. Despite his nature, Hanma Shuji liked pure girls or good girls and light-colored clothing.

You had a lot of questions to ask him, you felt as if you wouldn't be able to trust whatever he tells you so it would be pointless to ask him anyway. He took you to a really nice restaurant that allowed pets. It was surprising since you never really knew such a place existed near where you lived.

It was fun just being in his presence and he was adorable in including your kitten in the conversation as if the feline could actually understand whatever he was saying. Seems like Hanma Shuji has a soft spot for cats.

Throughout the dinner, the two of you talked as if you were both regular people with regular backgrounds. He asked you how your life has been and you didn't hold back in telling him everything. It was actually nice to have someone to talk to like that. You missed the feeling of having someone go talk to at the end of the day to share something funny or interesting that happened hours before.

You've felt lonely all this time and Shuji made you realize that as he listens attentively to everything you shared with him. After dinner, you were in his car again with him driving and Mittens at the back.

"It's supposed to be a surprise but I really can't wait another minute to tell you, sorry." He speaks up while driving. "I arranged a small picnic for us at the top of the hill to watch the stars and maybe drink together if you're comfortable enough. I've checked the weather and the sky is gonna be clear tonight."

"The top of the hill? You mean the hill near our neighborhood?" You ask and he nods. It overlooked the city and had the best view but there were a lot of shady guys there from what you know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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