Abu Sulayman of Darayya

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Abdul Rahman ibn Ahmad al-Darani was born in the year 140 Al-Hijri, in the village of Darayya near Dimashq. He was a descendant of the great companion Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him. Abdul Rahman al-Darani also received the kunya “Abu Sulayman”. Al-Darani was also a religious teacher in Dimashq.

Al-Darani is famous for his wise sayings. One of these is “There is on my heart, a conceit from the conceits of the people of those days, and nothing will turn my heart away from such issues, except through two just testimonies; the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.” His statements on the reason for his asceticism is, “None will refrain from the lusts of this world save him in whose heart there is a light which keeps him always busied with the next world after this temporary world.” His fear of Allah is present in his saying, “Never does fear part ways with a heart except that the heart has been spoilt.” Abu Sulayman also narrated Hadith on the authority of Sufyan at-Thawri.

Abu Sulayman al-Darani passed away in the year 215 Al-Hijri, and was buried in his hometown of Darayya. His student, Abu'l Hasan al-Hawari was buried next to him, followed by another Sufi mystic named Rahaanatush of Shaam.

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