an inescapable beast

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There was only one lingering regret that Jisung held when he started his fitness journey. And that was, indubitably, the constant check-ups. 

He had been careless in the past— dropped a couple of weights on his toes and screamed after— so now, his best friend insists that he gets checked frequently. 

Felix. A total sweetheart at the best of times, but a complete and utter menace. 

Most of the time, Jisung finds himself being dragged by the ear to the clinic unwillingly, always under Felix's everlasting grip. He never went willingly, he couldn't ever. His physical therapist was far too... nasty. 

And not nasty as in cynical— nasty as in revolting. 

The man had a repugnant appearance that made Jisung's skin crawl. He exuded a pungent stench of sweat, which was unbearable on Jisung's behalf— having to be touched by this man was enough. 

Strands of greasy, matted hair clung to his balding scalp like cobwebs in a decrepit attic. His overgrown, gnarled fingernails resembled talons, and his rotting teeth peeked out from behind cracked, yellowed lips. 

Of course, Jisung was never usually this judgemental. But, who could blame him when a man like that had to inspect his body? 

It was ridiculous. Felix had said that he was being dramatic— and yet, he had never laid eyes on the monstrosity that lived behind those closed doors. 

And that's where he was now. Confined behind those sealed doors, suffocating in the noxious scent of mould and mildew, with no means of escape. 

"Your body seems perfectly functional as of right now, Jisung," his physical therapist speaks in a grumble, resembling something along the lines of a heavy gruff. "If there were any concerns, I would have noticed by now." 

When Gerald, his wholeheartedly appreciated physical therapist spoke, he spoke under his mask; the polypropylene material serving as a barrier to shield Jisung from what putrid odor emitted from his mouth. Even so, he had learned to suck in his breath and hold it in for a few seconds at a time whenever he reached to pet over his muscled deltoids with latex-covered fingers. 

Sometimes, Jisung held his breath in for an extensive amount of time that he would come down with a wave of lightheadedness. Once, he had let it go so far that when he was exiting the fluorescently lit space, he had stumbled over absolutely nothing because his vision had spun a tremendous amount. He was sure he was seeing flashing blurs of red, green, and blue in his irises. 

That was when two calloused hands grabbed onto his bare, pure shoulders that Jisung considered his prized possessions. And boy, did the sound that left his throat startle the man who was only trying to come off as helpful. It was, in short terms, something along the lines of a screech from a dying mouse that had been scratched up by a cat. 

Except, it wasn't just an ordinary cat; it was a meaty, greasy, and unsightly-looking one. 

Only polished, dazzling, and lovely cats were allowed to lay hands on Jisung. Gerald was the perfect counterexample of such. 

When Gerald had spoken the words that hinted towards the conclusion of their session, he forced upon himself a smile that had his facial muscles twitching in what was almost akin to torture. He wanted to sink into a hole in the floor and become one with the tiles– anything to get away from this brute. 

"Why, thank you," Jisung puts on his loveliest, enthusiastic expression, voice coming out two pitches too high than normal. "I really appreciate all that you've done for me, seriously." 

"It's just my job." Gerald asserts with a huff. His big, unprepossessing back was to Jisung's field of vision. His grin drops at once and he scowls at the back of an oily bald spot on the back of Gerald's head, mouthing a line of foul invectives to get his displeasure of being in his presence across. 

He's maybe halfway through sticking his middle finger up when the man turns around. 

Jisung beams with a smile once again. 

"Well," he continues to speak, unfazed as he disposes of his rubber gloves. Jisung has this unpleasant feeling that he hasn't changed those since two meetings prior. That would obviously be illegal. "About your next appointment, you can talk to Amelia about it. We'll meet again in two weeks." 

Jisung suppresses the urge to groan aloud. "Doctor," he begins, teeth grinding abnormally rough against each other. "I think we've... had enough of these visits already, no?" 

"No." Gerald reprimands sternly. Jisung awaits an elaboration, but he's met with a strained silence. No other words are spoken by the man. Jisung clenches his fist as his chest bubbles up with exasperation and the need to kick ol' Gerald square in the back right now. 

He knew that repugnant man was only looking forward to a stacked salary by the end of this month, all as a result of Jisung's neverending visits. What a damn sleaze. 

He holds onto what little hope he has left. "But... but I think–" 

"No," Gerald reiterates, voice soaring in volume and bouncing off of the sad, yellowed walls. His office was practically a historical museum, void of any fun colors and life. "You need to continue your check-ups. See you in two weeks, Han." 

Jisung deflates substantially in his seat. He's going to give Felix an extensive rant later and the other is going to have no choice but to put up with his complaining. 

An escape from Gerald was practically out of sight. 

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