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The future is now!

Junior Spooks is a teenage spy agency acting for the concern of the British Government to protect everyone from the evil that unfortunately exists in our country and throughout the world. So, if you ever find yourself in the face of potential danger, we will always be by your side to help. By combining multiple agency teams using our advanced intelligence systems, we can prevent threatening events before they happen.

Founded in 2015, Junior Spooks, JS6, as others referred to us, was the mastermind of the then Director Johnathan Evans, or Codename E, as the MI5 call him.

MI5: Military Intelligence, Section 5: is the United Kingdom's domestic counterintelligence and security agency. Part of a three-cog intelligence machine, working alongside MI6 and GCHQ, who operate hard for the safety of all of us. They are of equal stature on the authority, importance, or influential ladder. Not one of the three principal agencies was more significant than the other.

Our extraordinary unit was hidden from outside eyes in the Churchill Gardens Primary Academy basement. The red-bricked building stood east of the Churchill Gardens Estate border in Pimlico, London. The Estate in Westminster is a large housing residence built in 1962 that replaced the extensively damaged Victorian terraced houses in the Blitz during the Second World War. The school was just a stone's throw away from Thames House in Millbank, which was the Headquarters of the MI5!

Outside attached to the entrance gates facing Ranelagh Road, the school sign proudly promoted, "We are more than just a school. We are a family." How accurate a saying that was.

The head of our top-secret underground defence war room unit is Professor Avary. He had been a teacher at Churchill Gardens Primary Academy since 1991. He was soon promoted to Deputy Head and then appointed Headmaster in 2005. Then in the spring of 2015, he was inserted as the Chief Recruiter of the MI5 with the long-term goal of accomplishing something extraordinary. Eight years later, to this day, he told us we would be something special!

We just had to wait for our first mission to make that realisation. Make Avary's prediction come true!

Overseen also by the Director of Military Intelligence, section 5, together they have created a different kind of spy or Spook. England's brightest, most talented, fittest, and most loyal teenagers ever recruited by the Secret Service as British spies, put on duty to "Defend the Realm"!

Overwhelmed with carte blanche access to advanced technology, practical gadgets, and the best available intelligence, we are the future of the United Kingdom's first line of defence!

Double-O agents in training! On His Majesty's Secret Service.

Our relentless commitment is our only weapon! We had nothing to fear but fear itself. Watch your back, James Bond!

We are also the now, and not too many people know. Those who needed to know, and there are very few, were in the know. We are only teens, after all!

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