Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

He Qian still habitually released pheromones to suppress her opponent, waiting for them to do the same. However, her opponent had no intention of doing so. Both of them exchanged blows and evaded, gradually moving away from the central battlefield and ending up grappling against a red brick wall of a residential building.

This guy had excellent combat skills, much stronger than those amateur fighters. He Qian finally unleashed her full potential.

Indeed, an Alpha had to fight another Alpha to truly feel the exhilaration of a challenging match!

He Qian had only started fighting with people from the streets in her freshman year of high school, so her real combat experience wasn't extensive. However, as the number of high-quality Alphas had dwindled over time, she relied on her superior strength and quick reflexes.

Soon, she realized that her opponent wasn't just physically strong but also experienced in street fighting. He had his own unique style, not taking the offensive but defending flawlessly. His pitch-black eyes were sharp as an eagle's, catching any opening for a deadly counterattack.

He Qian threw a punch, but the guy deftly evaded, shattering a first-floor window with her fist.

It was clear that this was a battle between two Alphas. The boss inside the house dared not speak out, seething with anger but forced to wait until they were done to discuss who would pay for the broken window.

Unable to find an opening, He Qian shifted to a defensive stance. They continued to probe each other, continuously retreating until they reached an empty lot where delinquent teenagers skipped school to skateboard.

The area had a U-shaped ramp, with a desolate cornfield behind it. He Qian grabbed the guy's collar and slid down, and both of them let out a gasping sound.

The guy's shirt had ridden up to his waist, revealing a slender waistline. Due to the friction during their slide, a thin layer of redness appeared on his skin. He Qian's arm had also scraped against the ground, causing a layer of skin to be torn.

Both of them paused momentarily, refraining from attacking each other for the time being.

He Qian initiated a verbal taunt, "Tired?"

Xue Xingyi's lips twitched slightly as he replied, "Aren't you the shop owner? Part-time street fighter?"

He Qian was reminded of who he was with this comment. Isn't this the guy who had acquired the insecticide?

In that brief moment of distraction, the guy pounced like a leopard, pinning He Qian down and rapidly throwing punches. She tilted her head to avoid, and the punch left a dent on the U-shaped ramp.

He Qian grabbed his wrist, using sheer strength to control him. She hissed, "Let's stop for now. I have something to tell you."

Xue Xingyi raised an eyebrow, sneering, "Thinking of trickery?"

He Qian sighed, thinking, "You think everyone's like you?"

He Qian gritted her teeth, deciding not to prolong this fight. She wanted a quick victory so she could tell him about the insecticide he had purchased today. Either exchange the product or refund his money!

With determination, He Qian released a powerful and icy stream of pheromones. She grabbed the guy's collar aggressively, pulled him down, and then pushed him outward. He lost his balance, stumbled for a moment, and was pushed down to the ground by He Qian.

The back of his head hit the platform with a loud thud. His pupils dilated for a moment, and he emitted a low groan.

He Qian was about to take action, but suddenly her body softened. She felt a momentary dizziness, and the aroma of slightly bitter and sweet sake entered her nostrils.

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