Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

He Qian's pupils slightly contracted.


He Mo was startled and was about to go over to help Xue Xingyi, but he was stopped by He Qian.

He Qian's voice trembled with a well-concealed quiver, "Let me handle it. You quickly go back and tell Mom not to worry. The medicine will be here soon."

He Mo agreed and rushed back.

As soon as He Mo left, He Qian hurriedly went to support Xue Xingyi. "What happened?"

Xue Xingyi's arm was ice-cold, but his forehead was covered in sweat. He initially tried to stand with He Qian's help but found himself spasming with pain. He could only weakly shake his head.

He Qian noticed the black shopping bag beside him and realized it might be related to his condition. "Is it your menstrual cycle? And you were wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt?"

He Qian pursed her lips.

The doctor from the pharmacy also came over, asking what happened to Xue Xingyi, and then provided him with pain relief medication. With the doctor's presence, He Qian asked about the dosage and directly gave him the medication.

After swallowing the pill, Xue Xingyi was sitting on a chair, his body bent like a cooked shrimp. Normally, he should have said, "No need, I'll go back by myself," but he couldn't utter a word now. The sour and painful limbs and an indescribable sense of heaviness enveloped him.

Without saying anything more, He Qian hung the shopping bag on her wrist.

The next moment, Xue Xingyi's knees slightly buckled, and he fell into a soft embrace. He Qian carefully suppressed her pheromones to the minimum and held him as they walked outside.

He Qian: "You can pull your hat down."

But Xue Xingyi was in too much pain to move. He Qian stretched her neck and used her teeth to pull down the brim of his hat, covering his face.

The doctor came over to help open the door.

Due to the warmth from He Qian's body, Xue Xingyi's limbs started to regain some heat. Combined with the pain relief medication that was starting to take effect, the pain was not as intense as before. However, Xue Xingyi felt like his soul was floating, as if he were watching himself being carried onto the bed from mid-air.

The person's movements were surprisingly gentle, as though he were handling something fragile. He gently placed Xue Xingyi's neck on the pillow.

Once Xue Xingyi's body touched the bed, he immediately curled up. He Qian turned off the air conditioner and folded the blanket to cover him.

After placing Xue Xingyi properly, He Qian prepared to get some hot water. Just as she took a step away, her hand was grabbed by an ice-cold hand.

Xue Xingyi's voice was hoarse, "Where are you going?"

Seeing how clingy he was, He Qian suddenly felt like laughing.

He Qian: "I'm going home. It's getting late, and I have an exam tomorrow."

Xue Xingyi stayed silent for two seconds, then released her hand, "Study well for your exam." He wrapped himself in the blanket and turned over.

He Qian glanced at the unopened shopping bag on the floor and thought that she'd probably have to wash the bedding if she left.

He Qian left the room and went to the kitchen to boil some hot water.

As she boiled the water, she used Baidu to search for what Omega individuals should pay attention to during their menstrual cycle.

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