Twin Flame
chapter 01
“Mamma, mamma u need to see this mamma… mamma..” a small Noor yelled out on her way home as she entered through the gates of their large bungalow.
“mamma, mamma where are you? English Maam gave me a toffee” she was yelling in excitement as she ran within the space of her home. the servants giggled looking at her excitement. “Aanki aanki where is mamma?” she asked one of the servants while pulling the edges of the maid’s skirt.
“Noor.. who are you looking for..! am here.. come catch me” her mother tapped Noor before the maid could answer. Noor ran after her mom. from the corridors of the bungalow to the garden, from the garden to the child’s bedroom. And then her mother caught her and hugged her tight. Noor giggled while her mother kissed her cheek. Noor was happy while her mother teased her and she giggled gayly.
Suddenly, the daylights changed into a dark room. Noor was no longer in her mother’s lap. no longer giggling. A lady stood at the doorway with a trolley in her hand. Noor cried “mamma .. no mamma please dont leave me mamma.. mamma i will be a good child mamma” she couldn't move from her place. tears rolled down from her face. “mamma please dont go mamma. I wont be naughty anymore. I will score good grades mamma. don't go mamma”
the lady looked behind, and left.!
Noor woke up. A layer of sweat coated her forehead. Her eyes were tears stained. She was trembling. Noor was a 17 year old girl. she didn't remember her mother. her relatives used to taunt her that her mother ran away while she was a child. her father never remarried. She didn't even remember her mother’s name, let alone her face. But these nightmares, they would recur to take away her peaceful sleep.
“aarghh, the same nightmare again.!”
Noor and her family The Shahni’s used to be rich. but after the demise of her grandfather, things went haywire. Her grandmother couldn't tolerate the death of her husband and died. She and her father were now the lone survivors of the Shahni family.
Noor looked around her bed table. there was no water left in the water jug. walking out of her bedroom she went into the kitchen and gulped some water. peeping into her phone, the time was already 7:00 am. if she didn't get ready now, she would be late for college again. She lived in a studio apartment in the city, her father now had a small hotel in their hometown. “Noor’s Taste” was the name of the restaurant. While their business prospered, all of them would stay in the heart of city, with all of the luxurious amneties.. They had a chain of hotels in many different cities. but now, they could only afford for Noor to stay in a smart city.
Brushing her teeth, she typed into her phone, and opened Adrick’s message. there were no new messages from him. she typed “good morning honey” and exited the application.
in a kettle she boiled a cup of water. tore a coffee packet, a spoonful of sugar and poured it into her cup. “They say I am already married, but I have never really met my husband. and who cares about that marriage anymore. i was an infant then” Noor talked to herself and poured half a cup of boiled water into her cup. with the help of a spoon she mixed the content of the cup. “ No one really asked for my opinion then. I was just born. Plus now I am in a relationship with Adrick. and am so in love with this guy. He has my heart in a choke hold. Wait, am I cheating on my husband?” Noor walked to the fridge and took some ice cubes out and poured it in the cup. “hell no, he is the intruder here. and whatever the situation is. We live in the 21st century. the child betrothal is in no way legal.” taking some chilled milk from the fridge she walked back to the cup and poured it to the cup’s brim.
“But the legal contract was signed and officially our marriage begins when I will be 18. That's twenty twenty. what..? 2020..!! It's January already. oh damn..!! my bday. my bday. When is my birthday on Oct 16.!! goss that's in 10 months . god damn it.!!” Noor flustered around her mini home with a cup of coffee in her hand. She applied some lip balm on her lips and some aloe vera gel on her face. a Renne dark desire perfume on her collar bones armpits and wrist.
She changed her shorts into green cargo pants and her top into a sleeveless tank top. taking a pair of white sneakers out from her shoe stand. She took her bag, where only one pen and a common rough copy for all subjects were packed. and was good to go.
a message beeped in her phone. “they are all bullying your man. come fast. we can’t do anything alone here.!” it was Sukirti Shah, her childhood friend.
A purple jupiter scooty speedily went into the gates of the college. There was a crowd in the canteen. Noor went into the canteen and saw Sukirti and Lipakshi. Lipakshi was completely flustered. “Stephen couldn't control them, we were outnumbered, he went out to call for help. Aaryan went to the Dean’s chamber. We were thrashed out of the crowd” complained Lipakshi.
“its okay. you did your best. Call Aaryan back. there is no need to include the authority in this. and tell Stephen I am here. we can handle this.” Noor told both of them.
Noor climbed onto a table. in the midst of the crowd was the wounded Adrick. she picked a chair and hammered it onto the head of the big fat boy who was about to kick Adrick again. the boy cried out in pain. The boys turned their attention to Noor. She gave a flying kick to the boys there. The boys ran for her. try coming a step nearer and i will burn the whole place down and would move from here unscathed. the boys watched her as if she was joking. Noor took out a premium lighter from her pocket and lit it. “call stephen if he has done the job” commanded Noor to her friends.
sukirti took her phone out and seemingly called someone. and then nodded to Noor.
Noor looked at the fire extinguishing water sprayer on the ceiling and smiled villainously.
“Come for me," I said, "I dare you to come for me. why? What happened? won't you come for me?” She seemed destructive. a devilish smirk sprayed its charm on her face. Noor started stepping towards the boys with the fire lit . “ come. you wanted to fight right.! come for me.”
the boys psychotically started moving back. “bitch are you mad?” someone from the boys yelled.
“ what, you don't wanna fight?”
“I… I.. I won't let you off the hook you slut..”
Noor’s eyes flamed with the insult. She ran towards the bully. That boy cried out in fear and started to defend himself. she kicked that coward’s groin. and fell to the ground in pain. She sat on the boy and punched him continuously. That boy was bleeding.
“Noor .. Noor, it's okay. Noor…”
Sukirti and Lipakshi tried pulling Noor away. but instead of their efforts, she just won't budge.
Stephen came right on time. and picked her up. She continued throwing punches in the air. Stephen's well built features came to the rescue. “It's okay tomboy. That bastard is already on the verge of a breakdown. calm down.”
Sukirti ran towards Noor with a bottle of water.
“breathe Noor breathe”
Noor breathed and realization hit her. “Adrick”
Adrick laid there in pain. tears rolling down his cheeks. Stephen rushed towards the duo.
5 friends along with an injured patient rushed into the hospital.
Two days later, Adrick’s mother rushed into the hospital room. “it must be you, you did this to my child isn't it.? that's why he is in such a condition.” adrick’s mother scolded Noor.
Noor teared up but didn't say a word.
“you bitch, you have kept my child in a chokehold and now you dare to injure him like this.” she raised her hand to slap Noor. Sukirti rushed and held her hand. “It's your child who is a coward and didn't fight for himself. Noor saved him from the bullies. and you dare slap her. I wonder what would have been of your scaredy cat had Noor not come in time.” Sukirti commented.
“you how dare you.!’’
“It's Adrick who doesn't dare aunty, I hope you take good care of your child.” turning to Noor she held Noor’s hand “ lets go Noor”
Noor went with her.