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𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄... ever since you rejected one of your ex-best friends because you didn't feel the same way, he has turned to full-blown stalking you wherever you went as if he were your shadow. It freaked you out and interfered with your daily life because it has gotten to the point where you're scared to even leave the comfort of your house. You've become a hermit.

It upset Marshall seeing you like this, especially since you've had to cancel so many plans due to this one person. One night after you baked some treats for Marshall, you couldn't help but vent to him because he's the only person you can trust to keep it a secret (if you were to tell Fiona, she'd most likely babble to Cake about it). With a small sigh, he left your house and didn't return almost an hour later.

You, a bit embarrassed and worried, frantically ask where he has been to which he replies, "Don't worry, I took care of him. He won't be a bother to you anymore."


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