The Four Musketeers

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After Emma and Gilda left, Norman looked at me and smiled sheepishly. "Not a good start to the night, huh?" he said, then looked away and back again. "Do you, uh, want some punch?" he asked.

I was quiet for a moment before looking away. "Uh, sure. I'll have some," I said. Norman smiled.

"Okay, I'll be right back!" he said cheerfully before walking away to go the other side of the room (which is where the refreshments were), leaving me to stand awkwardly against the wall and watch everyone else socialize and have fun.

I noticed a few kids who were messing around, they looked almost drunk. Maybe they were high, I couldn't tell, but they were yelling and laughing hysterically at something that probably wasn't even remotely funny.

Do they have alcohol here? I wondered, studying those kids' behavior. I'd seen my dad drunk plenty of times, but his behavior was different, since he's an asshole of a grown man. These were teenagers, teenagers who looked like they knew what they were doing with alcohol within five feet away.

One of them was holding a red solo cup, and some of what was in it spilled out onto the floor since the group was messing around. Another person slipped on the spilled beverage and fell, and they all laughed loudly together.

"Oh, ow, that was my ass!" the one who fell said, still laughing with the others. That I noticed a few people snickering as the group laughed harder.

"Some punch for my favorite boy," I heard, then turned and saw Norman with two red solo cups of punch, holding one out to me. I chuckled softly and smiled, taking the cup.

"Thanks," I said, looking at the liquid in the cup and swirling it around. I put the cup up to my face and took a whiff, trying to see if it was spiked with alcohol. It didn't smell weird, so I took a sip. It tasted fine.

I smiled at Norman again, and he smiled back. I felt my face warm up a bit, and looked away, observing the crowd of others again. I watched as people fell on their asses and laughed hysterically at nothing, and I listened to the chatter.

After maybe ten minutes, a few people approached us. I didn't recognize them, so I didn't figure they went to our school. "Uh, hello," I said. "Do you people need something?" I asked the group.

They were a group of two girls and two guys. They looked lke the three musketeers, just with four instead of three. "Yeah," one of the boys said, he had tan skin and short, brown hair. "My name's Don, what's your names?" he asked.

I looked at Norman, who smiled at the Don boy. "I'm Norman, and this is my friend Ray," he said, gesturing to himself, and then me. "It's nice to meet you," he said, giving a warm smile.

Don smiled back. "You too. Okay, uh." he gestured to the other boy, he had reddish hair and a pointed nose. "This is Nat," he said. Nat waved, eyeing me and Norman.

Nat pointed at one of the girls. "That's Anna," he said. It took me a moment, but I managed to recognize Anna from the cafe. I smiled a small smile.

(A/N: I aged up Yvette by a lot bc this show doesn't have enough girls their age and she's a cute kid [not in that way u pedo] fjenfhdjdb)

Nat pointed at the other girl, who had messy black hair and a dress that someone would see and think it was a bit on the creative side. "That's Yvette," Nat said.

Yvette waved. "Nice to meet you guys," she said with a sweet smile.

Norman and I smiled back at the three, and I took a sip of my punch. As I did that, I noticed how many people there were in the room, and it made my heart skip eight beats.

I set my cup down and looked at Norman. "I think I'm gonna go stand outside for a minute, Norman. It's kinda crowded in here," I said with a small smile.

He nodded, and I turned to walk out the door.

I stood beside the door, leaning against the tan brick wall. I looked up at the sky, feeling snowflakes land gingerly on my face.

I closed my eyes, feeling the crisp winter air against my neck and face, and enjoying the silence and breeze.

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