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"You were Out. For a while. Y'know. That. Sweetheart?"

The voices came from Maggie Alder's pink radio which was perched right on the pizzeria front window ledge. It was those male voices, synchronized with a few female voices.

Memories of them telling you to tune the radio to save your friends came to mind.

"Leave me alone," you said, trying to stand up but you felt dizzy and fell back into a sitting position, "Let my friends go!"

Your demands were ignored, and the reply you got was, "High in the cascade mountains of Washington, the navy opens the largest radio transmitter! It's one million watts can flash a message around the world in a tenth of a second! Hey, girly, want to play a game?"

"Not really." you said.

"Be sharp and listen, miss," said the voices ignoring you once again.

The nearby chalkboard in the pizzeria, where the menu and drinks were written, were erased (must to your despair- you worked hard to write a hamburger costs 5$). It was replaced with a hangman sign.

"This is going to tell the Classification board, what's to be expected of you in the future."

The voices turned more muffled by static.

"How many questions will you get in the allotted time?"

"So this is a test?" you questioned.

"Yes. But. There is. No need to hold your breath."

"How many officers died in the sinking of the USS. Kanaloa?"

Before you could answer you felt wetness soaking your uniform shoes and socks. The pizzeria floors were starting to fill up with water. Where was this water coming from!? No time to find out because it was raising up to your knees.

"Tune the radio if you want to live."

You sloshed through the currents of water, towards the pink machine.

"Tune it, Y/N."

"Your. Friend. Is waiting for you~"

You listened to the voice, grabbing the small pink radio, keeping it out of reach from the water, and feeling yourself black out as soon as you tuned to the right station.

Oxenfree Jonas x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now