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You and Jonas both got startled by how the cable cart started.

You were just pressing buttons on it's platform and then suddenly it tilted completely out of level, causing you to bump into Jonas.

It then let out a loud creak as it tugged along on the old wire.

You were high up.

"Oh my gosh," you cried out, grabbing Jonas's arm.

Jonas snickered, clearly amused. There was a little badboy in him.


It was a while before the cable cart made it to the other side.

Jonas opened the door to the platform for you.

"Ladies first."

he said, in a slight mischievous tone, bowing a little.

You felt your face heat up, and you just gave a polite 'thank you'. You could feel his smirk following you as he pulled a filtered cigar, lighting it.

Up ahead was a clear lake, a clearing, and a tent.

Someone else was here?

Grass brushes your ankles as you rush forward to the tent.

You crawl into the tent, to see if you could find something or someone.

Surprisingly there was nothing.

You began to head out, when there was a whirring sound, and you felt someone grab your arm.

Now there was someone. It was a handsome man, in his mid 20's, with blonde hair and a sailor outfit.

He stared at you before his eyes glowed red.

".....we are an island race. And through all our times the sea has ruled our breaks.85 officers died in the USS Kanaloa."

"What?" You whispered, clearly confused and definitely scared.

Someone shook your shoulder,

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Said Jonas, appearing by your side, "Who are you talking to?"

"H-him," You stammered before looking back to the person but he was gone.

Oxenfree Jonas x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now