Ch 2 - The Next Day

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When Bo got to school, she sees the sign that is now read, "Sunny Meadows High School." She wasn't very happy to see that, but eventually she'll get used to it.
Bo walks inside, looking around. Nothing inside really changed except for the bulletin boards and signs that are also nowadays read, "Sunny Meadows High School."
     As Bo walked in science class, she stared for a second at a girl she hadn't seen before, then goes to her seat. Who was this new girl, anyway?
"Class," Mrs. Janna says, trying to get the students' attention. "I want all of you guys to meet Jordan. She is new to our class. Jordan, why don't you introduce yourself so that we can get to know you a little better?"
     Jordan hesitated nervously. "Umm, okay..."
"I'm Jordan, and I have two different colors on each of my eyes. One eye is teal, and the other is kind of a turquoise color. Please don't make fun of me for this, because I was born that way. I don't think I have anything else to say about myself. May I go back to my seat, Mrs. Janna?"
"That was interesting to hear that your eyes are two different colors. You may go sit back down now." said Mrs. Janna as she took Jordan back to her seat.
     "Psst! Hey, you there, new girl!" a girl whispered to Jordan. Jordan turned around to face the other girl. "What's up with you having two different eye colors? Only losers like you were born that way!" said the mean girl.
"Aisley Ferguson," Mrs. Janna called as Aisley walked to her. "That was not acceptable to say at all. You hurt Jordan's feelings. I think you owe her an apology for what you said about her eye difference."
     Aisley scoffs. "Oh, please! Like I would apologize to a loser like Jor-"
"That's enough, Aisley," Mrs. Janna snapped. "Go to the office right now. I'm calling your mother after class today to talk about your inhumane behavior. We do not make fun of people who are born differently than others here."
"Whatever," Aisley said in a mutter so quiet even Mrs. Janna can't hear what she had just said in her breath as she walks out to the principal's office. Mrs. Janna sighed.

To be continued...

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