Chapter 1

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"He's stirring, get out!" Someone commanded followed by hushed whispers Solace couldn't quite make out.

"No, let me talk to his first." The same voice said, followed by scuffling feet.

More whispers.

"I'll call you in when he's ready, I promise." The voice was starting to sound exasperated.

A door closing.

More shuffled steps.

Voices. There were quiet murmurs around him. Closer now.

He didn't recognise the voices.

Solace startled awake and briskly sat up, his blanket falling away to the chilly air. The abrupt motion set his head pounding as his vision swam into focus. Disorientated, Solace took in his surroundings.

He had been laying on the skinned hide of some sort of mammal and the blanket that slid down his chest to pool at his waste seemed to be of the same creature. The fur was thick and warm, but the hairs soft against his chilled skin.

A draft puckered his nipples and turn his skin to goose flesh, he noted that he was in a shelter, at best a primitive hut. The air was somewhat dusty, and light filtered in through small gaps in the walls, accompanied by frigid gusts of wintery air.

Luckily there was a fire burning steadily in the center of the space. Solace observed the flames dance momentarily as he rubbed at his exposed skin.

Noise of someone shifting next to him drew his attention.

Kneeling next to him was a man draped in a rough looking hide that had been poorly fashioned to resemble a toga. The garment bulged out significantly at the man's gut, contrasting his otherwise muscular physic. Had he been a woman, Solace would have called his gut a baby bump. The young man seemed of significant height with fluffy black hair and kind silver eyes.

Not far behind the young stranger stood a veritable giant of a man, imposing in both height and muscle. Even more commanding of attention was the large... very large bat hanging flaccid between his thighs. There were no other words to describe it. His state of undress definitely left little – nothing – to the imagination. Long and girthy and lined with veins. Even soft it was terrifying; Solace couldn't stop himself from imagining how large it could possibly swell to. Distantly, he wondered if the stranger was a shower or a grower.

A fair question, maybe not the politest.

Why was he even thinking about a stranger's swaying appendage? He finally managed to tear his eyes away from the flaccid nightmare, or dream rod, depending on how someone chose to think of it.

"Ekon! Cover up that monstrosity before it knocks our guest out!" Baby Bump-Gut Stranger vehemently scolded Mr. Naked and Well Endowed.

"What monstrosity? I have nothing near him and have no reason to go near him." Mr. Naked and Ginormous huffed like an unrightfully scolded child and crossed his arms. Ekon, Solace corrected, not Mr. Naked.

"Your dick! Put it away! You're giving the poor man an eyeful."

"More like a mind full of questions..." Solace mumbled under his breath while the couple continued to argue. Only those who were together-together could bicker like an old married couple.

"Why would my dick go near him? We both know it's entirely yours." Ekon's voice dropped to a suggestive whisper that made Baby Bump-Gut Stranger shiver. The mood nearly made Solace want to give them some privacy. Nearly. His curiosity overwhelmed his urges to avoid potentially cock-blocking Ekon and his massive D. How he hoped for a show.

"How does it even fit?" Solace blurted out before he could stop himself. He looked between the two strangers trying to puzzle out how such a beast of a man could be with anyone. Only now that he was no longer solely focussed on the giant's crotch did he note that he had ears - round tufted ears and a freaking flicking lion tail. Freaking ears and tail!

Both turned to look at him at once. "Why would I not have ears and a tail?" The giant replied with a miff of indignation. "You have ears, I have ears, my lovely August has ears, and our precious kits will have both ears and tails!"

"Kits?" Solace probed for more information. Besides Ekon's passionate lack of explanation regarding his bestial ears and tail, Solace was far more pressed to inquire about the aforementioned kits. Mr. Naked could wear his ears and tail as much as he wanted but why would be make his kits wear them, too?

Probably noticing the look of horror descending onto Solace's face, Baby Bump-Gut Stranger, AKA August, rushed, "Nonononono! It's not like that! They're attached!" Turning to Ekon, "And we don't even know for sure if they'll be lion beast kin or not!"

"Scent never lies." Ekon huffed as he crossed insanely muscular arms across his equally muscular chest.

"Waaaaaiiiiiitttttt...." Solace interrupted, "You're like... Actually... Like... Pregnant?"

Even as his question tapered off to a whispered squeak that both still seemed to hear.



Solace's jaw dropped. How? How could August, who was clearly male be pregnant? Better yet, how could Ekon's freaking lion ears and tail be physically part of his body? Was he dreaming? What was going on?

Just as Solace prepared to jumble out the questions plaguing him a knock sounded on the hut's door. A freezing rush of air had him scrambling to retreat into the warmth of the furs as whoever had knocked opened it without waiting for a reply.

Two heads poked in through the opening. One with a head of wavy white hair and the other with short dark hair. Both with flicking round tufted ears and likely tails, too.

Solace couldn't make out much more due to the blinding glare of snow behind the strangers, a clear contrast to the dim interior of the hut that only had a now flickering fire for light.

"I told you both to wait till I called you in." August grumped at the two strangers – also naked, Solace noted with appreciation – as he ushered them in.

"But it didn't sound like you were anywhere near introducing us to our mate intended." White hair replied in a clear tenor voice.

"Who's your mate intended?" Solace asked.

"You" Both strangers at the door replied. Their voices mingling perfectly to send shivers of awareness down his spin. Even with the poor lighting, their gazes on him were enough to pucker his nipples to full attention.

Solace licked his lips. He almost regreted his question. Almost.


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Uploaded Sep 30th, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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