Part 2

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Part 2:

Jason’s P.O.V

I watched her run out, he long dark hair swaying behind her. Damn look at that--

“McCan, snap out of it!” spoke out Stokes

“Huh?” I looked up to him, blinking innocently. 

“I didn't know you had such a sexy daughter ;)...”  I smiled “ she had the whole package” I watched Stokes body tense up, his eyes darken, man... this guy looks furious.

“SHUT UP, punk. Don't talk about her that way!” he spat “Especially not in front of me” 

I was about to say something, but I thought better of it. Then again when I said that, he didn't deny that she was his daughter. Who would have ever thought that this man would have a child. I smiled inwardly Maybe, just maybe i could use her...

“Stay here & don't move!, I’ll be back later” he said and walked, where could I even go... I’m fricken tied up here in a hospital bed in so much pain! 

“It’s not like I can go anywhere!” I shouted after him, lifting one of my cuffed hands.

5 minutes after Stokes was gone, a nurse came in. She looked up at me. She was cute, but not my type, and she was also suspiciously young. Maybe i should play around with her? “Is that what criminals look like?” she blurred out, looking confused...I blinked.Is she stupid? oh well...Lets have some fun shall we? “ Is that what a girl looks like?” I said mimicking her.

“Wow, you’re pretty stupid for a criminal, aren't you?” 

Man, this chick is dumb. I was only joking.

“But that doesn’t matter, cuz you’re cute ;) “ she said, followed by the most annoying sound i have ever heard. It sounds like a sheep being run over by a truck. oh wait, thats her laugh!  “ your pretty cute yourself” I replied winking.

I watched as she [played with her hair, well I think thats what she was doing, her eyes starting to twitch... I take it back, she’s not cute! “Hey, umm can you like uncuff me please?, I need to uhh take a shower?!” I asked, giving her 1 of my most innocent looks, hoping she will buy it! “Okaaaayyy, where are the keys?””Their next to the door, on the hook” I replied, trying to point to the door. She turned around and skipped to the door, wow, she was easier to trick then I thought. I watched her as she picked up the keys and started walking back to me. This could either go really good, or really bad... I had to hurry up though, Stokes was going to come back anytime now, and if I wanted to escape this crap place, then i had to be quick, I know this isn't good, but I have no choice. I watched her try to unlock the lock...every second felt like a minute, a precious minute we are wasting. To me this seemed like forever!. “AHHHHH, MY NAIL!” what the heck?, this chick is starting to cry because she did something to her nail?, SERIOUSLY? Her eyes starting to water, as she ran out the room.I looked at my wrist and saw that the key was still in the lock. I slowly started to turn the key, until I heard the Victorious “Click”. I unlocked the other hand, managing to hit my wound in the process. That hurt so bad. I slowly got up, trying to reduce the horrible pain. Please, let it stop, I thought. I still need to escape...

Stoke’s POV

I hate myself now, i cant believe I let Hailey down again! I hate seeing her hurt. That’s why I promised myself I would always be there for her, especially after her mum died. She was heartbroken, both of us was. After that.. I went down hill fast..drinking got to me, but I rebuilt myself fast. Now I let her down again.

 I took out my cell phone, pressed speed dial 1 and rang her. She doesn't pick up, I thought, Why isn't she picking up? I rang again and this time, she picked up on the 5th ring.

"What do you want?" she asked, I could feel her anger, even if we were miles away.

"Hailey, where are you? We need to talk." I answered, feeling even guiltier than before.

"We have nothing to talk about, dad. I get it, you had work.As usual. But I thought that maybe this time you wouldn't actually forget!" she screamed. 

"Hailey, listen to me--" and then the phone went dead. Shit, my battery fell.Damn it! Now what should I do?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, thank you so much for reading the story!!! I'm so glad you all enjoy it & thank you for all the sweet messages you all leave, keep them coming!

sorry we took so long to post the part, but we had school & exams, but we managed to write it in English class, since we where talking about stories we decided to write it then, lol.

Sorry for the story being short, but Next chapter we will try & make it longer ( next part would probably be in hailey's POV) Again thank you so much!!!

ENJOY! xoxo

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