Part 3

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Hailey's POV

I can’t believe my dad let me down again. I thought that after last time, he would have learnt his lesson and maybe try harder this time. Apparently not. Whatever I have better things to do now anyway; I mean who needs a workaholic dad that always forgets his wife’s death anniversary? I reached the end of Maple Street and crossed to the other side in a hurry. The early February sun had already set, letting the cold, dark night seep in. I hurried along, getting a bit creeped out by the looming shadows created by the trees. A couple of blocks down, I was beginning to see the tall, green fence of Estelle Park. I checked my phone and saw that it was already past 8:30. Vanessa would be pissed, I thought. I told her I’d be on time, and now because of my annoying father, I’m 14 minutes late. Great. I mean Vanessa was a lot of things, funny, and understandable, but one thing she hates the most is someone being late. Every time I’m late, she makes sure to make my life a living hell for the next 2 or 3 hours. Seriously, it’s like a disease or something. I crossed the final street and headed for the large open gates. Seeing as it was late and cold, no one would really be stupid enough to be sitting on a metal bench in a dark park, alone. Except Vanessa and I. then I realised something, she wasn’t alone. Someone was slumped beside her on the ornament bench, gesturing wildly with his hands. A rather tall someone. A boy.

Jason's POV

Jason’s P.O.V.

Shit, I thought. I had to hit my wound didn’t I? I straightened up, one hand still clutching my wound. Now it was time for me to think. I’m not stuck to that hideous metal bed anymore, so I just need to think of a way to sneak out the building. I limped over to the window, apparently laying down for too long makes your legs go all jelly, and looked down. I was over 4 stories up. Well, that crossed “jump out of window” off my list. I looked around the bland room, trying to think of another escape route, now that the window was out of the question. There was absolutely nothing in the room that could help me get out. I limped back to the metal door with the windows in it , and looked through. Outside I could see a police man sitting on the floor next to my door, laying out playing cards. What the fuck is he doing? I thought, and looked through the little window again. I couldn’t see anyone else in the corridor, which means I only have to deal with one policeman. Then a thought struck me. I looked up checking for cameras, how could I have not thought of that before? But I guess luck was on my side, or that Stokes was just plain stupid. There were no cameras. And then another thought came into my head. And that was the beginning of my plan. I walked back to my bedside and grabbed a couple of the glass things I could find, which included 2 cups, a vase and an ashtray (an ashtray? Really? As if they’d let me smoke in here.)I only took the 2 glasses. I then took the chair that Stokes had previously sat in, and careful of my wound, I dragged it next to the door as quietly as possible. I prepared myself for all of the running I’d had to do next. Here goes nothing, I thought and chucked the 2 glasses a couple of feet away from me. They shattered with a loud crash, and sent little bits of glass flying everywhere. Seconds later, I heard the lock of the door click and the policeman came running through, gun in hand shouting “What on earth-?” but I don’t really know what else he was about to say, because I lifted the chair and smashed it over his head, sending his gun scattering on the floor. Next thing I know the policeman flopped like a fish onto the tiled floor, and stood still. I bent down, checking his pulse to see if he was still alive. He was.

A couple of pain staking minutes later, the policeman was strapped to the frame of the bed, with a sheet from my bed, tied around his mouth to prevent him from screaming, not that he would, cuz he was still out cold. I was also dressed in his uniform, which was a bit too big, but it’ll have to do. I opened the door making sure no one was in the hallway, and when I saw that no one was, I hurried out of the room, but not before locking it. It was easy to get out of the building, because even if there was a criminal locked up on the 4th floor, there was still an unimaginable amount of people hurrying about, getting their wounds tended to. Maybe luck was on my side today. I hurried out of the building, making sure not to walk to fast and to keep my head down just in case. I crossed the street and headed down towards the South part of Vegas. That’s where Alex lived. And he was about the only person I knew I could trust right now. Now, I wonder how much time I have left until they find out I’m missing…


Thank you so much for all your wait guys! part 3 is finally here! Sorry we took so long to write it, but hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a lovely New Year! xo

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