Jasper's training

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It was the morning after. And the strangest thing happened. Ok not the strangest thing clearly after what RS went through yesterday something we keep just between our group and Carlisle. And Alice probably saw it happen but she never told us. But like I was saying. Jasper woke me up that morning as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. When I opened my eyes he had this big huge smile on his face. Not a normal reaction coming from him and slightly a little unsettling. Can I help you? I asked groggily. You're not usually in here. What you mean I can't come visit my favorite little sister? What do you want I had along day yesterday?! Sorry I know though it's hard to feel sorry for my brothers. Alice? Alice he confirmed.

Also you just called Jordan or to you guys Jacob your brother and Jack. So? Jack is a member of this family he just comes and goes as he pleases for work. Jacob may as well have been in this family as long as any of the rest of us. I was the newest of the family before you came along and it took me some time to get used to as Carlisle calls it the "vegetarian" lifestyle. From the moment Jacob walked into the house when his mother died and he found comfort with ours Esme welcomed him as part of the family. And it took the rest of us some time but we know he did the right thing. A child needed comfort after something bad happened. He felt he needed to be alone and went into the forest and got lost. And he didn't want to go home because he felt his father would be upset that he ran away.

Turns out the weather happened to match his mood perfectly. But then again animals DO test better fresh after it has rained. So he was upset and scared and Edward heard his dad calling for him. He knew it wasn't his problem he could've chosen to leave it alone but no one except Aro could be so cruel. Naturally when someone seems upset or something seems wrong it sometimes takes a village or an unbiased person to reach out. At that point Edward didn't really know who Jacob was not exactly he had gone out to get blood but heard that someone was in danger and decided to help out. But he didn't want to scare him away. He told him who and what he was but Jacob didn't care. And Edward brought him back home safe and sound. He didn't think he'd ever see him again. He just wanted to help do something nice. He didn't want any trouble or want him to run away. That was the last thing he needed for him to be scared when he was already upset.

Somehow he knew that Edward would come back. The pack was also helpful through the loss they had lost you and his mom. Two people that meant the most to him were gone. Left him at the same time and he was lonely. It was easier on him to reach out to someone that wasn't already apart of his situation to comfort him. Let him tell him what happened. Felt a connection to him. He didn't tell him he had to take him home he told him who and what he was and let Jacob make the choice on what he wanted. Billy was so grateful. Jacob understood what we were but still chose to hang out with him to be around us and the moment he came into the house Esme loved him to pieces. Just like she does with the rest of us. He was like another son to her right away. Billy didn't seem to mind Sam was the one with the problem.

Anyways this is my long way of telling you that yes I recognize Jacob as one of my brothers as do the rest of us. But today is what I came to wake you up for. Call down Jacob and Jack. Ok but why? How often is it that I'm playful with any of you especially Edward? Training might not be fun but I'm gonna make it fun. The last thing I'm gonna do is something the 3 of you will be doing. What do you mean? It's hard to read more than one person's mind at a time especially if you're gonna gang up on him. He'll think we're done and won't be excepting it kind of like in battle to be ready for anything. I'll tell you more when you're all here. Later we were all at training the wolves were all there Jessica was there Jack was there we were all there. The wolves were in wolf form. Jacob decided that for what Jasper had planned it was better for him to stay in wolf form for this one.

EJ would translate while they all listened to Jasper give his battle lessons. The do's and don'ts of battle. While Jacob of course trusted us inside and outside of his wolf form the others didn't. Carlisle happily greeted them talking about how Jasper had training with newborns. Jasper sends Emmett flying as they spar like they had been most of the morning. But the wolves want to know what made the newborns different from us. Though Jake knew us a great deal he wasn't sure himself. Or what he had to look forward to should he become one of us. Though kept that thought to himself. Carlisle explained how they were a great deal stronger than us because their human blood lingered in their tissues. As Carlisle spoke Jake seemed to multitask. Mostly focusing on what Carlisle was saying so that he knew what would become of him should he join us for real. And yet he stole a glance at Edward a playful suggestive smirk.

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