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Russia; November 3rd, 6:17 NST

Artemis shivered and pulled her hood down further over her face. It did little to protect her from the biting cold of the Russian snow, coming down thick until the very air seemed as white as a piece of paper.

Mason grabbed ahold of her arm, just to locate her in the swirling, blinding snow. Either of them getting lost out here in the cold wouldn't end well, so he held tight to her arm, just to keep the two of them together as they tried to navigate the cosmos of the tundra, all while shivering. Leaning in close to her ear, he said to her.

Mason: "Alright I think our job here is done."

It was hard to hear him over the winds, but Artemis nodded all the same. His breath was warm as it touched her frozen skin, and Artemis was grateful for it.

Artemis: "Which way back to civilization?"

Artemis asked, leaning in close to his own ear. Mason thought for a long moment, staring at the white winds that were swirling around them and pushing at their bodies. He couldn't see anything in the white mess of the storm, but he relied more on his photographic memory than anything, trying to locate which direction was south.

Back to the city they had been staying at before they ventured out here into this blizzard in attempt to locate the broken meteorite carrying alien tech. Or so Batman had said making this a two person covert mission although him and Robin would be the best choice for some reason the Dark Knight chose Mason and Artemis. Which he can't can't complain after he made M'gann and Conner go undercover in Belle Reve.

Mason: "This way."

Artemis felt him pulling at her arm, and she following him through the thick snow that was quickly mounting beneath their feet. Arctic Russia was cold, but it still didn't phase Mason that much.

To which Artemis was jealous; thanks to his League of Shadows like training, he could pretty much swim around naked in frigid waters, bare his skin to even the coldest of temperatures. Although he had pulled his jacket over himself. After what seemed like hours of treading through of hellish dimension of a frozen wasteland, Mason though he saw dim yellow lights piercing through the veil of the snow.

Mason: "I think we're getting closer."

He said to Artemis, his lips almost to her ear. Artemis nodded; she couldn't talk with her teeth chattering the way they were. Briefly looking up from beneath her thick hood, she saw the same city lights that Mason had seen. A wave of relief went through her body; soon she'd be out of this storm, and back inside their cheap motel room.

Hopefully able to take a hot shower and then curl up in thick blankets by the old stove. When they finally got back into the cold motel room together, Artemis pulled her coat and gloves and shoes off, and immediately went to turn the heater up that sat along the base of the wall. Mason watched her with steady eyes. He wasn't as cold as she was, for he'd felt colder, but still he drifted over to the heater with her.

Mason: "Russia is colder, then the last time I was here."

Artemis: "Yeah, no shit, Beyond cold. Freezing. Worse. Also your second time being here?"

Mason: "Yeah. My uhh... mother took me here to strengthen my body against the cold. Just another perk... for making me a weapon."

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