Chapter Ten

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Time seems to slow down in the Great Hall. The clink of glasses and the muffled whispers of guests seem like they are coming from far away. I can hear my heart beating in my ears. The scent of Christmas spices is suddenly too heavy, too thick. It's suffocating.

St. Nicholas leans across the table. Jack Frost is sitting beside him with his fingers steepled and his eyes glinting with amusement. Maggie is breathing fast, her gaze darting between Krampus, Friedrich, and the wine that could kill them both.

Friedrich's arm brushes against mine as he moves the goblet filled with poison to his lips. Krampus does the same.

I have wanted death for both of them my whole life. I have imagined doing it myself. Only last night I intended to take my blade to Friedrich's throat and leave him dying in the snow.

And yet now. . .

I want to stop this.

My pulse quickens.

Because I understand the game Friedrich is playing with his father. It is the same game I have played with him my entire life. It is the reason I grabbed the hot poker in the throne room, the reason I held a blade to his throat even though it could have killed me.

And even now, when I'm not playing, I am playing.

I cannot stop this.

I understand.

To yield is weakness.

I cannot yield. Friedrich cannot yield.

It must be Krampus.

Friedrich tilts the goblet.

My hand clenches into a fist at my side and my fingernails dig into my palms.

Krampus must yield.

The red liquid touches Friedrich's pale lips.

My breathing quickens.

And in a sweeping movement Krampus puts his goblet back down on the table. He lets out a cruel, high-pitched laugh. With a deliberate flick of his wrist he knocks his poisoned wine glass over. "Oops."

Relief swells inside me as the red liquid spills across the table and pools around the glittering pinecones. Friedrich's lips are tainted red as he carefully places his glass down beside it. He smiles coldly.

The hall is silent.

"What is the meaning of this?" says St. Nicholas.

I step forward. "The wine –"

"The boy obviously slipped something in the wine," Krampus says. "I will have him disciplined. Don't worry."

St. Nicholas frowns.

Fire surges through my body. "That's not true."

"Of course it is true," says Krampus with a cold chuckle. "He and this girl are plotting to kill you, Nick. It is my fault, I profess. I have been too soft on her. She's one of the children from the mortal world. A bad one. Yet I did not have it in my heart to discipline her with the others. But I will have her punished now."

His eyes are hard when they meet mine. They are filled with dark promises. My mouth dries.

I do not know what to do. I am so close to what I want. And yet, how can I possibly fight the Great Krampus?

"We will go immediately," says Krampus. "It cannot wait. Guards! Arrest these traitors. They will be tried for breaking the Winter Accords, and punished accordingly."

The Yule Prince : An Enemies to Lovers Fantasy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now