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Jan. 15, 2017- Please note, I didn't even progress this damm thing. It's, dare I say it, cringy.
Go on and read if you so please.


"L," Light said in an oddly quiet voice.

L looked to find Light sitting in his chair in the main room of the investigation. He knew Light had some feelings for him but knew he had to focus on his work. Of course, they were hand cuffed together which made L worried of some thing happening.

He reluctantly answered the young man, "Yes?"

"We should be getting to bed, shouldn't we?" He said calmly and rather innocently.

Light did indeed have feelings for L. These feelings were very much conflicting for Light. Seeing as he was Kira, his feelings for L would only get in the way of his plans. Well, that was what he thought until he had an idea.

"If he believes I love him, I could convince him I'm not who he has been searching for. He is a genius but, I'm a genius, as well," He schemed.

This would solve his problem of wanting to be with L. L on the other hand was not going to let a relationship stand in the way of his investigation. Especially a relationship with the number one suspect in the case.

The two men went to their room. L had to unlock the handcuffs in order to get dressed and undressed but that was it. When they showered, they showered together. When they went to sleep, they did so together. Deep down, L did have the same feelings for Light as Light did for him. Again, he ignored them, for it was the most logical answer. As they began to undress and get into their pajamas, Light made a giggling noise. L ignored the noise and they finish getting dressed. They put their cuffs back on and got into bed. It was dim in the room but their was just enough light to see.

Suddenly, L felt his ebony hair being played with and began to think, " This is not good at all. If he tries something..."

His thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on the cheek.

But one word crossed L's mind, " No."

It was too late for "No" now. He felt Light lift his head and kiss his lips. He fell into the trap and kissed back.

This night changed it all. The two, Kira and the detective, had a secret relationship from then on. L still was on the verge of finding Kira. He was so close. He had Kira's Death Note. They still loved each other but Kira was close to his capture. Well, he was close to being captured until it happened.

L had a heart attack.

Light was heart broken but acted as if it were only because of the loss of a friend.

"At least it was Rem who killed him," He thought his sad thoughts, "At least I didn't kill him. At least now he doesn't have to lock me away himself. At least now I won't get caught."

This loss angered him, depressed him, and made him rethink almost everything. He tried to find ways to make himself forget, but it wasn't that easy. To drop dead wait, Light wrote Misa's name in the Death Note. Rem was no longer around so he could do this easily. Light convinced himself he would never get caught now.

Jan. 15, 2017- Congrats on getting through that snooze fest.

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