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Silva pov

I have been in Farah's office discussing exam results for two hours now. For what we have been able to see so far,  nine students have shown some aptitude for developing magical abilities, and Sky is among them. Which makes me quite happy. But we still have to finish checking them all and it may take another good hour.
Next questionnaire. Riven.

"How strange."-says Farah-"Look at this. He started to write something on the back of the paper but then erased it. I can't tell if he needed more space to answer the other questions or he actually passed the test."
From the way Farah explained to me the real test was not the one around the cauldron, because obviously nothing could have happened since their abilities had not yet been awakened. That was just a distractor. The real test was the questionnaire. In the laboratory they developed a magical sound that activates the magical receptors in the brains of fairies or those who have these powers. And the following voice that I could not hear was only audible to those who possess magic and have these receptors active. Whoever answered the secret question in the coming months would develop some kind of ability.
As for Riven, I have a strange feeling, he did not want to participate in the test and stopped it almost immediately. I wonder if he really heard that question and did not answer to It on purpose.

Farah looks at me suspiciously.
"Is everything all right? Do you know anything you should tell me? You know...when I brought up his memories I felt fear and agitation. With everyone else I was able to divert their thoughts to something positive, with him it was different, it was like a one-way street, I couldn't get to any other memory but that."
"Maybe I could talk to him, I already Need to talk to him tonight, nothing important, don't worry."
"While you're there, you may as well ask him about the questionnaire. But don't push too hard."

Riven pov

I open my eyes, it's dark, I look around, Sky is not there, I take my cell phone from the bedside table and look at the time...7:34 p.m., damn!!! I was supposed to sleep only a couple of hours after the exam and get down for lunch, how is it possible that I slept for nine hours straight! I had even set the alarm clock.
I'm late, damn it. Silva will make me run all over the athletic field until eleven o'clock at night if I'm more than half an hour late.
I get out of bed, but as soon as I put my feet on the floor I see everything spinning for a moment and feel a bad if someone is watching me. I turn sharply behind me, but I see only the darkness of the room. It will just be an impression, nothing to worry about. Now I have to worry about Silva instead. I turn on the light, get dressed and hurry out.

I walk down the stairs to the ground floor, then exit and enter the structure next door where the professor's office is.  I knock a couple of times, Silva's voice on the other side tells me to come in.
"Riven, 19.43...I honestly expected worse, come, sit down."
I sit on the chair in front of him and look at him waiting for the question to which I had no time to come up with a credible excuse.
"Here, I see you are tired, eat something"-he says handing me a box of chocolates, and this catches me off guard, what game is he playing? The only times I've ever spoken to him was to get an earful.
"Um, thank you. Anyway I'd be busy so if we could make it quick..."-I say taking a dark chocolate with black cherry filling.
"Sure. First, I want to know why you didn't want to participate in the exam this morning. I'll drop the fact that you were outside the school boundary just because I've already taken you back several times and I know you'll be back there anyway."
"Well there you go. Nothing in particular really. I just found it a big waste of time and I didn't feel like it."
"Are you sure it's just because of that?"
"Yes, why else wouldn't I have wanted to participate according to you?"-I look at him defiantly.
"Well then, let's move on to the second part of this meeting. Regarding the questionnaire, you even wrote on the back of the paper but then erased. Exactly what question did you want to answer?"
There, I knew it had something to do with that bonus question.
"No big deal. I wasn't answering any question. I wanted to leave a comment on the great failure of this experiment and the fact that I find it a great cavalcade, but then I thought it would only lengthen our meeting tonight and make me do quite a few lapses."-I lean toward him with a slight smile-"why the interest? Was there perhaps something in the back to be answered or was it obligatory to leave it blank? No one specified the latter."
"Yes of course, no problem. So you didn't notice anything unusual during the examination?"
"Well what can I say I'm not very observant, what should I have noticed?"-I say indifferently.
"Nothing, just curiosity. If there is nothing else you can go. For anything else, turn to me."

Well it's gone as well this time, I'm good for now...that feeling again. I turn to a dimly lit corner of the room, Silva prefers dark places and uses dim lighting that leaves many places in the dark. It's as if there is something watching me in that corner, but I can't see anything.
"Riven, are you okay? What is it?"
I have to pull myself together, it's just my imagination.
"Nothing, I just remembered I have to do something. If you don't mind I'll go."
With that said, I leave the office. Now I'm really hungry, I'd better go to the cafeteria before it closes.

The feeling of being followed remained all night, I even wanted to sleep with the light on, much to Sky's misfortune, but he didn't ask more than a few questions, he knows me and knows that if I don't want to talk, I don't. But this morning in the sunlight everything seems fine, a day like any other, and yesterday's worry seems so silly to me. When Sky and I enter the locker room there is great excitement, everyone is gathered around a sheet on the bulletin board. We make our way over to see: passing magic exam and admission to the program.
I scroll down the list of names and stop on the last way, I didn't answer the question, why did I pass the test!
"Great Riven, we both passed it, isn't that great?"-Sky tells me.
"Yes of course, great"-I tell him emotionless.
I keep thinking about it all day, then in the afternoon I can't take it anymore, finished practice I go in front of Silva's office and enter without knocking.

"Why did you put me in the program! I didn't answ..... I didn't notice anything on the exam at the cauldron!-what a fool I was going to give up myself.
"That wasn't the exam, Riven. But you already know that, don't you? You're smart."
I hadn't noticed Dean Dowling in the corner. Maybe I shouldn't have come.
Silva is the one who continues:
"You know Riven. After talking to you yesterday, I have the impression that you actually knew how to answer the bonus question, bit I don't know why you erased It."
"I don't know what you're talking about. And what is this bonus question?"-I try to fix it.
"I could be wrong of course, but in my opinion you want so badly not to be part of this program that you even sabotaged your own test. You wouldn't be here otherwise. I have discussed this with the principal, you will be in the group, at worst you won't develop any power and I will agree with you. But we will know only at the end of the year."
"I don't want to."
"It doesn't matter, those are the rules. If we even have a suspicion that someone has powers we have to report them and put them in the program to teach them how to control them. We will also contact your parents to give them the news. Thinking about It, your parents never came to the meeting at school..."
"They are busy at work, I doubt they will answer."
"I'll try anyway. Now go back to your classmates, tomorrow you Will have your first class."

"One thing Riven"-the principal stops me-" can run away as much as you want, but you can't change who you are."
With that said, I leave.
Nononono, it's all a big mess. And now they even want to talk to my parents. What do I do? I knew this year would end badly. But I didn't imagine as early as the first week.

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