Places I love

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'Wait! I don't know you, I don't know where you're dragging me off to, so don't I have a right to know?'

'I'm Kaera, and I promise the place will be great. Now c'mon!' I opened the passenger side of my car and made him go in, locking the door. The engine started and I drove off to where I've gone every night when I'm alone. Since he asked for it.

'Kaera, huh. What should I call you?' I gave him an "are you dumb" face. 'Eyes on the road, Kae.'

'Then I'll call you Luca.' I felt his gaze on me.

'So you do remember names. That's fine with me.' I kept silent. The rest of the ride was in silence.

'Here we are.'

'The Coffee House?'

'Yeah. They sell great ice cream waffles too. Love those.'

'This is Jenn's favourite place. We used to come here every week to study.' Why is it so coincidental?

I tugged at his sleeve. 'I want waffles.'

'Can we go somewhere else?'


'This is the place I realised I fell in love with her.'

'Didn't you fall in love after being dumped many times?' Ouch, shouldn't have put it that way.

'Yes, I was dumped here, right there.' He pointed to the booth at a corner of the shop. I actually wished I was there to see it, I've never seen a breakup happen in real life before.

'Okay then,' I sighed. 

-20 minutes later-

'Stash of Fries! Yes we're finally here. Hurry, they're closing soon.'

'Can we...go somewhere else again? We worked here together last summer, just the two of us, cause Mikey was a camp councillor.' Seriously, why hadn't I bumped into them since I frequent the place so much? 'We worked the night shifts and slacked around as we were the only ones working, but I didn't realise I loved her back then.' His voice was tinged with regret. I felt bad for him suddenly, after being so mean to him.

'You're paying for my gas.' If the next place is related to her again, I'm going to flip.

'Fine by me.'

Throughout the car ride he didn't say anything else, and I didn't wanna force him into a conversation. He just stared out of the window, deep in thought.

'Here. Look closely at this place first. Any memory of her? I don't want to get out of the car eager to get some food only to get back in again.'

'Sorry about that just now. No. You can have your food.' YES. FOOD, I'M COMING.

I think my expression gave me away. He looked at me, curious.

'Let's go let's go!' I had to pull him along to get my hands on food asap.

We were greeted by the bell that rang when we stepped in, and Sarah immediately came over for a hug.

'Hey darling! Who's this handsome young man? You finally got a boyfriend?' She eyed Luca, with no attempt to hide her excitement while he stood there awkwardly.

'Sarah, I just met him. So no, he's not. Don't go introducing another guy to me either. Oh, and two regulars please. I'll be at my booth.' I had been coming to this diner every week since I moved here, and Sarah is the co-owner of this place whom I shared my problems with.

'Wow. You're really a regular.' He finally spoke.

'Yeah. This place makes me feel right at home. And it's 24/7. So I come here whenever I feel like.'

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