ready to fight!

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(Seungheon's POV)

We eventually decided to stop messing around, playing games. At this point my stomache was screaming from hunger but as Minho said, we had to spare as long as we were trapped in here. I decided to lie down and rest a little until the others arrived. Yungyu and Jisung still haven't finished their rock paper siccors match because Han wanted to win so desperately. Minho lied down next to me. He seemed worried since the others haven't arrived yet. I started to worry too. Hyunjin was standing right next to the windows to be the first one to notice their arrival. Just as Han sighed again because he lost, Hyunjin jumped up in excitement. "Hey! Their coming! Their here! Thank god!" He screamed. "But wait, why are Seungmin and Haemin covered in blood?.." As soon as he said that all of us were at the door. Ready to open it and ask what had happened to them. As they finally stepped in, Haemin fell to the ground. He was whimmerimg and wouldn't stop no matter what we tried. Seungmin didn't say a word. He just stood there in shook. His facial expressions also didn't tell anything as if he were a robot.

"HYUNG! WHAT HAPPENED!?" I was on Haemin's side and tried to pull him up again but Haemin seemed to resist. "What happened?" Minho asked. "Well, that's a story for an other time....". Jaeyun tried to change the topic. "The most important thing is, that we were able to rob a weapons shop!" He said, trying to smile even though he looked really exhausted too. "Wait, really!? Awesome! Then we don't even have to build our own weapons!" Yungyu exitedly said. "Where are the others?" Minho asked. "We don't know. We didn't see them since we left". Seungmin explained. In that very moment the door swung open again and the first person we saw was Felix stumbling into the room. He looked as if he hasn't slept in over a month. " Gosh! You too? What happened?" Hyunjin asked worried. Slowely the others from that group also arrived. "Long story short: it might be possible that we've just discovered a mutant version of this virus". Kyungmin said. "Wait what!?" Changbin shouted. "That's way more interesting that what we went through". Yoonsung stated, resiving angry glares from the others from his team. "Yeah... It's a complicated story...

(Kyungmin's POV)

After what had happened it didn't really took us long to get back. We were all exhausted and full of questiones. What had happened also made me wonder how all this had started.
Of course the others were courious about the things we whittnessed so I retold the story to everybody that wasn't there. After I finished I could see the surprised faces staring at me. "So, you mean, after such a short amount of time the virus had already started tu mutate?" Jaeyun asked. His face seemed tired and worn out. He really needed some good sleep. I nodded. "But what if this virus had been out there for much longer than we thought?" Lee know asked. He had remained silent during my story time. He had been there himself and obviously had thought about it for a while as well. Everyone turned around to face him. "You mean, they have kept such a big secret all this time?" Myungho asked. Lee know just nodded. He still seemed to be completely stuck up in his thoughts.

We eventually decided that we'd worry about that later. No, actually it was Chan who had decided this for all of us since he was the eldest and we had to listen so we took a look at the weapons the others "borrowed" from the shop. There were some pretty nice pistols and knives but also some unuseful stuff like a fishing root. "Okay, who packed this!?" Jaeyun asked. He seemed disappointed. "Yeah, that was me". Changbin said. "I thought we could create something dangerous out of it". Hyunjin rolled his eyes before focusing on the weapons again.
"So, are we going to escape now?" Han asked. His eyes were sparkling and he looked very hopeful. "Well, we will try". Chan said with a smirk on his face. "But what about Seungheon, Yungyu and Haemin?" Yoonsung asked. "The maknae's are still injured and Haemin's covered in blood as well. We don't know if he has some kind of injury too". He was right! "But if we don't leave now we surely die!" Seungheon shouted making everyone flinch. "I'm sure we can do it. Don't worry bout us". Yungyu said.  "Okay, then let's get to work!" Myungho said.

It didn't really take us long to assign a weapon to each one of us. "Okay! Let's get started!" Jeongin said exitedly.
I smiled brightly hoping to finally escape this hell. Yungyu, Changbin, Lee know, Han and I decided to create a weapon out of the fishing root Changbin got because we still saw potential in it. In the meantime the others started to learn how to even use those stuff. "How in the world am I supposed to put the bullets in!?" Lee know said in frustration.
We somehow managed to create something at least a little usefull out of the fishing root.
"What in the world is that!?" Hyunjin asked us laughing as we peresented out product to them. "Don't judge too soon!" I said. "This thing can sense anything that's rotten out of a large radius!" Changbin said proudly. "You mean we would be able to sense the zombies before we even hear their screams?" Chan asked. He looked proud as well. "Exactly!" Han said.
"How did you do this!?" Myungho asked. "Well, we of course needed batteries to get this thing alive and for some strange reason, Yungyu had batteries in his backpack!" I explained. "Not for some strange reason!" Yungyu said. "Normally I'd carry my console with me, you have to charge those with batteries!" Well, that made sense in some sort of way...

After we finally all have prepared ourselves for the escape, we quietly pushed the door open. We had decided that it was best letting Yungyu carry our fishing root zombie detector because he was the most injured and too weak to carry a large weapon. Seungheon got a small knive because he hasn't recovered fully yet ether. Chan got a hand sized  harpuna, Lee know got a katana like those you'd see in movies, Hyunjin got a pistol, Han got a flamethrower (he insisted on taking that weapon), Changbin got a grenade launcher, Seungmin got a knife boomerang, Jeongin got a spear-thrower, Felix got bow and arrow, Myungho got crossbow, Minho got a sling, Haemin got a sabre, Yoonsung got a lance, Jaeyun got a tomahawk and I got an improvised explosive device...(Why me!?)

However... It was slowely time for us to leave as it was already around lunch time and we didn't wanted to wait until it got dark so we quickly stepped out into the now, unknown and dangerous world who once was so familiar to us.

(a/n) Hello again! I hope you liked this chapter even tho it didn't turn out as interesting as I wanted it to be.
Also, am I in holidays right now so I'm sorry if I can't update regularly. I am in Spain writing this. 🤩
Good bye and I hope you continue to read this story! It means a lot to me!

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