Rescue Lee know! 🩹

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(Jisung's POV)

It all just happened too fast. I wasn't able to react at all. The others pulled me back whilest I was already crying about the loss of my soulmate. "MINHOOO!" The word left my mouth every second but he didn't return. The zombie's teeth were stuck deep into Lee know's flesh and I couldn't help but to scream at the top of my lungs. I could see how Chan reacted quickly and pulled the young girls behind his back. Seungmin forcfully pulled me up on my feets again and tried to drag me outside but I refused to believe that Minho actually was dead. I fought against Seungmin until he finally let go off me. I ran in Lee know's direction until I finally faced him again. I could see a tear rolling down his face, blood all over his neck and clothes. "Is it over?' He asked. "Can I go home now?" "No!" I said with all my will to believe in hope. "You're not gonna die. We won't let you go!" Chan stepped forward facing Minho as well. The horror was well visible on his face. It was him who decided which members to take to form stray kids and he took Lee know for a reason.

We all just stood there watching and waiting for Minho to turn. Maybe I was also hoping he would end me so I could finally escape this nightmare. But nothing happened. Eventually, Lee know's eyes rolled at the back. He has lost too much blood and fainted. I was quickly there to catch him before he could seriously hurt himself. Minjun fought her way out of stray kids who were still trying to protect her. She knelt down next to Lee know. Her facial expressions didn't say much. She reminded me of Minho a lot. Jaesol eventually also stepped forward. She was shaking and stared at Lee know with horror. "What are we gonna do now?" She asked with a shaky voice. "We will take him with us of course!" I answered immediately. "Jisung, listen..". Changbin said but I cut his words. "No! YOU listen! He didn't turn for about five minutes right!? He could be okay!" The only thing I had left in me was hope. "He could be infected with the mutant virus we've whittnessed. In that case it would take a while for him to turn!" Jeongin whined. Why were they all so hopeless. "But the man we saw was completely unawhare of what was happening as if he were out of his mind!" Seungmin said. "See!" I said, happy that at least one person was trying to think positive. "In that case we have to bring him somewhere save and nurse his wounds before he dies from blood loss!" Chan commended. We all obeyed quickly. Changbin, as he was one of the strongest lifted up Minho and carried him outside. 8turn was already waiting for us. I could see Jaesol jumping a bit as she saw her role models but shortly after mastered herself again.

The eight boys were devastated as they saw the lifeless Lee know on Changbin's back. "Is he...?" Seungheon asked. "No. He was bitten but since he didn't turn for about five minutes we think that he could be okay". Hyunjin answered. "Thank god!" Minho said as he walked towards us. (a/n I know it can be really irritating that there are two Minho's😅) Myungho also walked up to us and helped Changbin to carry the injured boy. Kyungmin carried Yungyu on his shoulders. Yungyu tried to take a closer look at the happenings and froze when he saw Lee know. "Who are they by the way?" He asked as he was the first to notice Minjun and Jaesol. "Oh! Right! Those are Minjun and Jaesol". Felix introduced. Minjun is a stay and Jaesol is a turning! Isn't this exiting!?" Chan asked trying to lighten up the mood. "Well, it would be if there wasn't this small thing called the apocalypse!" Yoonsung said. He had lost all his nerves and was just trying not to go crazy. "Right! Besides that... Lee know Hyung is nearly diying!" Yungyu said. Jaeyun looked at the elder boy with sorrow in his eyes.

(No one's POV)

The boys all grew quiet as they tried to reach a new save place to take care of Lee know's wounds. Myungho and Changbin both took turns in carrying Lee know. Jisung was looking after him as well in case he would fall down. The others were quietly sunk up with sorrow and despair. "Hyung? I'm scared". Seungheon whispered to Minho who quickly grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug. "It's going to be alright! Don't worry". Minho said trying to calm down the younger boy. Harm in was meanwhile comforting Yungyu who was also a crying mess. As they passed by the creepy house where they saw this old man turn the shivers run down Felix' neck. He quickly walked faster in order to catch up with the others. Finally, they found and old store. After Jaeyun and Chan quickly checked if there were any zombies in there, they all gathered around the counter where Myungho, who was currently carrying Lee know, lied him down so that they all could see something. Changbin and Seungmin made sure to block the doors with everything usefull they could find. "Jisung, Yungyu, could you perhaps look around if you maybe find a first aid kit or something similar to treat his wound?" Chan asked. Changbin was pressing on Lee know's wounds with both hands in order to stop the bleeding.
"Got it!" Yungyu said and the two of them dissapeard behind the shelfs.

Shortly after Jisung returned with bandages and some pills against pain. He quickly handed the bandages to Chan who wrapped it around Lee know's neck. "He should be fine for now". He said. They all breathed out in relieve. Yungyu had also returned with a first aid kit they could use well in the future.
"Is he gonna wake up?"Haemin asked. "I'm sure he will". Felix said trying to do his usual sunshine smile but this time, it just looked sad.


(a/n) Hello everyone! This chapter was a little shorter than the others but I hope you enjoyed reading it anyways.
And again, thank you guys soooo much for reading! It means the world to me! Also, is today my birthday (7th of October) Thank a lot for the support! 🥰🥳🥳

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