Chapter 3

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Even though System had said that the Servants he summoned would have good feelings for him, hearing Drake's confession in person, of course, made him emotional.

Drake buried her face in Vermillion's chest. Drake, who has a brave personality, can also show a smile like a little girl at times like this.



The sound of a loud explosion suddenly interrupted their moment; due to the explosion, the ship swayed slightly.

Vermillion let go of her arms and looked at the origin of the shot.

In the distance, a ship was speeding towards them, with a skull flag flying.

"Master, may I destroy them?" The corners of Drake's mouth lifted; it was a shame that her smile this time looked evil.

"Of course." Vermillion's mood was not good at the moment. "But first, let's get a Devil Fruit off their ship first."

The existence of the Devil Fruit has been notified by the System; the System can scan various Devil Fruits that are close to Vermillion.

As for what the Devil Fruit was used for for the System, of course, as an exchange point; with it, Vermillion could summon other Servants.

"Devil Fruit? Is it the sea treasure you mentioned earlier? With it, Master can summon new partners, right?" Drake pulled out her dual gun.

"With this, at least the ship won't be destroyed right away. Master, you just wait here, I'll help you get the Devil Fruit."

"Thank you, Drake. You see, after summoning you to this world, I was only able to get your one Ultimate move, and I don't know any basic combat skills myself." Vermillion apologized.

"Don't worry, Master. I'll be right back."

After that, a ship smaller than the Golden Hind appeared. Surprisingly the ship is not sailing on the sea but flying in the air!

After Drake jumped into the small ship, the ship immediately flew towards the pirate in the distance. With the speed of the flying boat, their distance was instantly shortened within a few seconds!

"What is it? A ship is flying in the air?!"

"No, how is that possible?!"

"Shoot, shoot and don't let it get close!"

The pirates on the pirate ship all panicked. They had never seen a flying boat before.

It's not that there are no flying ships in the world of One Piece; the proof is that the Golden Lion has them; it's just that this little pirate doesn't know about it.

"Relax, give me a bullet and aim the cannon right at the flying boat. Just because the ship flies doesn't mean the cannon can't hit it."

Even though the captain of the pirates was afraid, he didn't lose his composure completely. On the contrary, upon seeing the ship's capabilities, a look of greed was evident in his eyes.

After successfully killing the pilot of the flying ship, he will rob it and make it his personal ship!

"Yes, aim at the them and shoot!"

Their captain's words increased their courage enough. The pirates quickly fired several shots straight at the Drake ship.

"N-no way! Our shots aren't working?!"

"No damage at all?!"

Even after being hit by the cannon, the flying boat wasn't even scratched at all. In fact, the ship was chasing them even faster!

"Use your weapons, then sho..."


The pirate captain really panicked this time; he hastily reminded his subordinates to shoot. But before he could finish his sentence, his body had fallen. A bullet mark appeared on his forehead.

The pirates stared blankly at their captain's corpse. They couldn't believe that their mighty captain could die so quickly!

"Hello, fellow friends. Are you the ones who have interfered my precious time with Master?"

While the pirates were still in a daze, Drake had already boarded their ship. The gun that killed the pirate captain still left a trail of smoke.

"Trying to harm Master is a very big sin. So are you guys ready?" Drake pointed her gun at the pirates.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

There was a constant gunshot from the pirate ship. The pirates didn't even have time to react; suddenly, they felt their consciousness disappear.

"They're weak. Well, they're just little pirates, after all." Drake shook her head, then pocketed her gun again.

"Let's find the Devil Fruit quickly, then return to Master's side."


"Master, this is the Devil Fruit you wanted." Drake returned to the Golden Hind carrying a Fruit with a strange pattern.

"It's surprising that they have these two Devil Fruits, even more, strange that they haven't eaten them yet. Don't they know that these are Devil Fruits?" Drake asked in surprise before finally laughing.

"Most likely, they don't know what Devil Fruits are. After all, this is East Blue, so Devil Fruits are still unknown to many people." Vermilion shook his head.

"By the way, with this Devil Fruit, you can summon a second Servant, right? So, who are you going to summon this time?" asked Drake; she was looking forward to the arrival of the second servant!

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