Chapter 5

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The stars filled the night sky, and the moonlight reflected off the vast seawater.

Inside the Golden Hind, lights shone brightly. From time to time, the sound of three people laughing was heard.

"Master, come drink with us. As a pirate, how could you not want to drink wine?"

Drake placed her hand on Vermillion's shoulder with a blush on her cheeks, clearly having been affected by the liquor.

"Yes, Drake is right. If men don't drink alcohol, then they will be looked down upon!"

It was Tsunade's turn to raise her glass, offering her Master with a flushed face as well.

"Huh... all right, all right. Then let's have a drink." Vermillion sighed.

Raising his glass, Vermillion took a sip of the wine. Thanks to his extraordinary physical increase after summoning Tsunade, his alcohol tolerance also increased.

Even though he wasn't used to drinking wine himself, he was sure he could drink a few glasses without much trouble.

"Haha, right, let's have a drink!" Drake and Tsunade both raised their glasses and clinked them.



Unknowingly, the three of them had finished all the wine on the ship.

Even though Vermillion himself also drank a lot, compared to Tsunade and Drake, the wine he drank was very little!

Currently, the two women were leaning on Vermillion's shoulders, their breathing relatively calm, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

Vermillion glanced at the two beauties on his left and right with a smile. Helping the two, Vermillion then led them to their room.

After laying them on the bed, Vermillion covered their bodies with a blanket and decided to rest.

"Hmm, does it end here? There are two beautiful 'drunk' and 'unconscious' women by your side, you know." Drake opened her eyes and said teasingly towards her Master.

"As expected, I know that you're still conscious. For a woman stronger than me, I'm sure your alcohol tolerance is stronger than mine, Drake."

"You're the same, right, Tsunade?" Vermillion looked at Tsunade, who was still pretending to be unconscious.

"Hehe, this kind of wine certainly can't knock me out" Tsunade opened her eyes and looked at her Master with a blush on her face.

"My little master, do you really not want to be with us?"

"Okay, it's getting late and we need to rest. My head is already very dizzy too." Vermillion lay on the bed while staring at the two beauties.

"Good night, Tsunade, Drake..."


For some, the daytime was their busiest time, but Vermillion was different. Currently, he was still lying in his bed.

"Master, you are indeed quite lazy. What will happen if you have more drinking buddies in the future?" Drake smiled brightly.

"Yes, little master, what Drake said is true." Tsunade brought the food and sat down beside Vermillion.

"Why don't you just train with me? You have a strong physique, learning physical strength with me will definitely make you stronger. That way, your drinking tolerance will get stronger too!"

"Hey, what do you think happened to me? It's because of You two."

"Girls, do you know how much wine we drank last night?" Vermillion sighed; their entire supply of wine ran out in one night; this was a crazy thing!

"As for training, maybe next time. By relying on summoning a new Servant, my strength will automatically increase. When that happens, let's see who is stronger than who."

"Then we will wait and see, Master."

The two women laughed.


In Syrup village, some smoke was billowing from various houses; it was clear that people were cooking something for their families.

"Master, we have arrived at Syrup village." Drake lifted her pirate hat and looked at the island not far from her.

"Finally, the island, let's make some money and buy a new supply of wine." Tsunade stood up and was ready to try her luck.

"It would be even better if there was a Casino there." Tsunade stood on the edge of the ship deck.

"Make some money? Sounds like you're about to lose money..." Vermillion glanced at Tsunade, a woman with very depressing luck.

"Hey, little Master, what do you mean? Do you think that I will lose the bet?" Tsunade pouted.

"Not that I don't believe you, but think about it, Tsunade. So far, have you ever won a bet?"

"Eh... uh... How will we know if we don't try first! Who knows today is my lucky day!"

"Do whatever you want. But better make money with your medical skills, Tsunade." Vermillion himself had no intention of stopping the woman's gambling habit.

"There is a very sick, rich little girl on the island, many doctors have tried to cure her, but all to no avail."

"Let's visit the girl when we get there."

"Leave it to me, Master. Except for Gambling, I have very high confidence!" Tsunade patted her chest proudly, and her actions instantly made her two melons sway!

"Cough, Drake, get the boat ashore. Let's get down and see the island situation." Faced with the temptation, Vermillion immediately turned to Drake while giving instructions.

"Okay, Master~."


"Doctor, doctor! Please save my mother, I will do anything for you if you can cure her."

A long-nosed little boy tugged at a doctor's white coat with a sad expression.

"Mom, you can't die..."

"Usopp, please forgive me. I have tried my best, but I can no longer accompany you growing up." Usopp's mother's tears began to flow.

"M-Mum can't say that..." Usopp let go of his grip and fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"Huh..." The doctor sighed sadly, then left without leaving a word.

"We might be able to cure your mother's illness." Vermillion, who had witnessed what was happening, came straight to the front.


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