Chapter 4

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"System, I want to use two Devil Fruits for a new Servant." Vermillion said in his heart.

[Neko Neko no Mi, detected.]

[Inu Inu no Mi, detected.]

[Master wants these two Devil Fruits in exchange for a new Servant. The new Servant will be set to a normal level. Would you like to summon it?] A robotic voice sounded from inside Vermillion's head.

"Normal level... will the new Servants be at the peak of their power just like Drake?" Vermillion asked.

[Francis Drake is the first partner you summon, the Servant is a starter pack character, therefore, she is summoned at her peak strength.]

[For the next summon, the character will be set at their normal strength. You can increase their power with a Devil Fruit.] The system replied respectfully.

"Does the upgrade require a certain type of Devil Fruit?"

[All types of Devil Fruits can be used.]

'If so, then Logia is better off not being used to upgrade the Servant.'

'Two Zoan and Paramecia-type Devil Fruits will give me one chance to summon a new Servant, and Logia-type fruits only require one.'

'If I want to upgrade my Servants, then normal Paramecia and Zoan-type fruits are the ideal fruits.' Vermillion muttered in his heart.

"System, I have decided to use these two Devil Fruits to summon a new Servant."

[Please select the Servant Class you want.]

Shortly after that, a list of Classes appeared in Vermillion's mind.

"Swordsman, Mage, Fighter, Assassin, Healing, Chef... Since I want to venture the sea, the Healer class is what I need right now."

"System, I chose the Healer Class."

[Selection accepted, Summon begins.]

A shining magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Vermillion.

A person's shadow gradually became more apparent in the center of the magic circle. When the magic circle disappears, certain summoned characters finally appear!

'Is my luck good enough lately? I didn't expect to summon another strong character who was also so beautiful. Too bad she's an alcoholic just like Drake!'

Seeing the person in front of him, the corners of Vermillion's mouth instantly rose.

Blonde hair, a diamond tattoo on her forehead, loose clothes with a green coat. Her curvaceous body and beautiful face made Vermillin's heart beat faster.

[Summoning completed. Tsunade has been successfully summoned, strength level; Jonin]

[Thanks to this Summoning, the host gains Creation Rebirth, body strength, endurance, and self-recovery have been increased.]

Hearing the gift he got, Vermillion immediately nodded in satisfaction. 'This new ability isn't bad. My body's defense has also increased quite a bit now.'

'For now, Tsunade is only at Jonin level, do I need a devil fruit to increase her power to Kage level?'

Vermillion thought to himself. Looks like he needs to collect more Devil Fruits in the future.

"Hey kiddo, are you okay?" The seductive voice of a mature woman rang in Vermillion's ears.

"Yeah, um... I'm fine." Vermillion nodded, slightly speechless.

"Let me confirm that." Tsunade came closer and pressed the back of her hand to Vermillion's forehead.

Due to her sudden behavior, the distance between Vermillion and the woman became very close. Vermillion smelled Tsunade's seductive fragrance.

"Hmm, let's check again carefully." The corners of Tsunade's begin to curved.


Tsunade hugged Vermillion and then fumbled with her hands. Trying to 'make sure' that her new Master is really okay.

Vermillion, whose head was tightly hugged by Tsunade, naturally couldn't breathe. He could only shake his head while making strange noises in the middle of the valley of the soft melon.

Not long after, Tsunade let go of her arms with a satisfied expression.

"Lady, you almost made me go to the afterlife."

"Hahaha, my little Master, you're exaggerating a lot. I'm not a monster that likes to eat humans, you know." Tsunade pointed at herself while laughing.

"Yes, I know, but your power is said to be stronger than that of a monster..."

"Really? By the way, do you like it?" Tsunade pulled her haori while posing in a sexy style.

"Of course, of course I like it." Vermillion nodded many times.

"Hehe, then you can continue to enjoy it."

*Gulp!* Vermillion took a deep breath as he couldn't hold back his saliva.

"Master, do you really like big-breasted women? Mine is pretty good too." Drake puffed out her chest with confidence.

"But, Master, isn't it time for you to introduce the new Servant?"

"Oh, yes, yes, you're right..."


"Okay, since we already know each other, so let's have a party. Let's welcome our new partner!"

"Good, it's time for a nice drink!" Drake licked her corners mouth.

"Are you talking about wine? I can't wait to try it!" Tsunade was also excited. As a woman who likes to drink sake, alcoholic beverages are what she really enjoys.

'As expected, these two women are acute alcoholics.' Vermillion looked helpless.

"Before drinking, Drake, can you destroy the pirate ship first? I don't want to see it again." Vermillion gave instructions.

"Aye, aye, Master!" Drake stepped forward, pulled out her gun, and aimed straight at the pirate ship.

"Golden Hind, aim all weapons to the enemy ship!"

"Get ready... and shoot!"




After the signal, Drake immediately fired. More than ten lasers were fired, and one second later, the pirate ship was instantly shattered into dust.

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